
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday Darling ^^
Darling turned 3. WOW time really FLIES. Mummy has been lazy the past year being MIA most of the time from our blog. But still will try and sneak in our precious memories here as much as possible going forward ^^
The past year darling has grown from crying every morning when we send her to cc to performing on the big stage last sat. Mummy is sooooo proud of u *mucks*. Wonder what BD wish darling made... heee... probably more reading, more art and craft, less milk .. \\(^o^)//
This year we din have a big, elaborate BD party. Just a lunch with our families. On the 5th we were @ Copthorne Orchid hotel for a buffet lunch.
Darling's all ready for her BD lunch @ Copthorne Orchid
"S" for Shirui but they cant change the princess to Snow White (silly cake shop..)
Its a Vanila sponge with strawberries stuffing cake.
Putting on the 'happy Birthday' words
Putting on her candles
Thank you Joey biao jie for the pressie
Gong Gong Po Po
Ah Gong and Ah Ma
Ah Pek and his wifey
Foto with Gu Gu (Joey biao jie and Jonathan biao ge refused to take fotos!)
With the 2 silly Ah Yi s
Cant wait to have a bite ... *drools*
Darling is totally enjoying the BD song we were singing for her
Huff and Puff the candles out
Getting ready to cut the cake with daddy and mummy
Its home SWEET home after lunch ^^
On the 6th, darling's actual BD, darling had her 1st BD celeb with dear frens from SchHse by the Garden. Mummy and daddy were there @ 3pm + and waited awhile for the lazybones to wake from their noon nap ^^
Darling's Pooh Bear chocolate aponge cake with chocolate crunch (its nicer than her Belle cake...)
Let's take a look @ wat's in our gift packs this year?
DIY-ed gift for gift packs
Making something with shirui's classmates
Snowman craft, all done
Darling with her cake
Happy BD darling (*V*)
Family Foto
That fren next to mummy, named Clare mite be darling's BEST fren in class ^^ dat day during the year-end performance, Clare's parents came by and told mummy dat Clare always talk about darling @ home ^^ heee
Leftover cake
Darling HAPPY BIRTHDAY ^^ and thank you everyone who showered your blessings on darling .. MUCKS!

How cute she was.
Great smile and shots.
Looks all of you are having fun.
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