
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sentosa 17 Oct (2)
Darling looking lost under the sun
Darling's pizza. With cheese, chilli powder, tomatoes and ham sprinkled on top. Can you see the pizza?
Mummy's attempt @ sandcastle with limited resources:
Aft some warming up, darling finally stepped nearer but still not into the waters
Bidding goodbye to the beach! SILOSO beach ...
Here are some other random fotos we took. Foto of 1 of the many pea-hens we saw on the island ...
Darling performing on her Solo Stage:
One of the beach cafe hanged a few hammock outside their cafe and we took the opportunity to laze in them... Is this considered as child labor? Da biao jie getting underaged shirui to "work"!
Ahh... mummy decided to log the rest of our Sentosa trip into FB fotos coz there are quite abit of fotos to show .. cya there =D

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