
Monday, May 3, 2010
See my 'dark eye ring"
See the bump on her forehead, lucky it wasn't her eye... phew!
One week passed and the bump spread downwards to her eye. Doesn't that looks like non water-proof mascara!?
We went for dim sum @ this nice place in Raffles Hotel. Darling who was dressed in her whilte princess dress said "this is a castle and Shirui is the princess, going into the castle" after she saw the nostalgic architecture of the hotel ^^
We went there after GUG class and guess darling was hungry. After the waittress took our orders and walked away, darling did something which entertained us =D Darling raised one of her hands, waved at one of the waitresses and said "jie jie, may I have some food pls?" HAAA... guess darling was really REALLY hungry =)
Foto with Gong Gong:
Foto with siao ah yi:
Darling taking foto with the water fountain.. haa.. but she was sitting too far away frm the fountain =D

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