
Sunday, December 5, 2010
4 Dec 2010 - Schoolhouse by The Garden - Graduation Performace
Let's share the picts and videos in sequence on the day's events ... enjoy ^^
Here's the ticket. It costs $100 for the 3 of us to be there today. Expensive? well...
@ the lift lobby leading to the performance auditorium
Today's prog..darling's in PRE-NURSERY ^^
This year's theme: "What a Miracle"
Start of the event (dat's teacher valeria who is oso the principal.. mummy LIKES her ^^)
The Graduates
Poem Recital
U guys are not going to believe it..given My terrible chinese standard, I actually (abit shy to share this...haa) teared after this performance. ITS SIMPLY TOO TOUCHING!!! The K2-ers recited WORD for WORD! sobzzz... i will nvr be able to do it myself and plus the peom is SOOOO meaningful. But i realised i'm the oni one with the tissue under the eyes after the performance!?
guess by the time its darling's graduation, mummy gotta prepare a box of tissues =(
My Fav Things
Nice song which originated from Sound of Music
Hee..performance of Fav things
Solo painist performance
2nd Pianist
... somehow ALL 3 are boys...hmmm
Mummy's FAV song ^^ and its oso the backgrd song used in our wedding montage (which darling was watching and re-watching a few weeks back).
Sleeping Beauty
HEEE.. this was the 1st performance which we first saw "stage fright" in the little ones.. Our poor Princess had to sleep longer than she expected.. Coz dearest Prince and his Horse wont come on stage ^^ Audiences were clapping to cheer our dear Prince but well, it seems he fell asleep as well =P
Here's our princess, waiting for her prince who will never come... ... poor girl.. will this cause her to distrust boys in future? HAAAAAAAA.. alright this mummy is simply not in the right mind (hee, coz its 2AM SG time now)
Counting ducks
YEAH!!! its darling's turn ^^
How does darling looks? HEEEE .. Fat little duckling .. all thanks to her chubby cheeks, she appears to be the most well-fed duckling ;) or mabbe she really is =P
Chinese Folk Dance
Frankly, mummy really dunno how to appreciate such performance.. haa..
Xiao Bai Chuan
Wonder if the kids were involved in making these props..anyway, kudos to the teachers and admin staff in the costumes and props!
Teddy Bear "cha cha cha"
Darling's 2nd show. Nicolas, the oni boy for this segment got his stage fright here. Refusing to go up stage and hence the 2 teachers had to go on stage and dance tgr with the girls.
Chinese song - I'm really GOOD
Peacock dance
It a MUSICAL!! With narrators (kiddos), dance, music and drama ^^
Here are the narrators. Mind you they're not reading from written scripts... its all recited!
Finale - On What a Miracle!!!
The Ducks family
Our little Duckling with Daddy duck
Little fotographer's work of ART
Teacher Magadelene and Teacher Valeria. Heee... despite Teacher Mag's begs, her foto is still posted =P
Another foto taken by our little fotographer, Ms Shirui. Her classmates Claire n Magadelene
Shirui, Claire and Magadelene group foto
Claire's mummy/daddy told mummy dat it seems that claire & darling are close frens coz their claire always well them "shirui this ... shirui that .." heee
Shall load the performance videos later .. stay tuned ^^
We went for Rapunzel @ Kallang Leisure Park after performance, before the Dino show ...
GOSH, Evidence left behing aft eating the choco ice cream @ Swensens'
Pizza time? Basically darling is only interested in spreading her ketchup!
See the gold dust on my head..its from Feng lao shi ..
Darling refuses to let mummy wipe off her makeup!!

hi, may i know which schoolhouse by the garden did your kid go to? is it good? coz i intend to sent my 18 mths kid into the AMK branch, nt sure whether it is good or not. hehe
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