
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Our 1st Family trip to Msia KL
Here are the photos with captions ..
On the coach tgr with the super camera shy biao jie:
Sharing some quiet moments with ah pek n ah hmm
@ Yong Peng
Darling playing with the games on the coach:
Enjoying the massage chair:
Our first stop - Berjaya Times Square for the indoor theme park:
Acting cute in front of the theme park:
Biao Jie is not afraid of that advancing Dino?!
The first ride: spinning UFO (?) anyway darling cant ride it and so mummy accompanied darling
Here's Ah Gong aft the ride, very strong ah gong who is in his 60s and yet can take the ride!
Biao Ge aft the ride
to be continued... ...
21st Nov - Sling's wedding
Some photos to share:
Dat's Jinny, mummy and darling and of course the bride, Sling:
As usual, the photographer took alot of photos of darling. The videographer too (purely coz he knows us or darling is far too cute not to video.. =P). Mummy has already asked aunty sling to select darling's photos for print (mummy will of course pay for them)
See darling's new flower hair accessory?
How is darling doing as the mini bridesmaid? Da yi you wanna engage our services for your wedding? hmm.. child labour?!
Darling's version of "V for Victory"
22 Nov 2009 - BD bash for Dec'07 babies
We met up with fellow SMH Dec'07 babies/mummies and daddies for a MASS BD Bash @ Mac. It was quite a last minute decision to have the bash and so we couldn't really get a better location. The AMK Mac we went was pretty crampy for the (I think) 16 BD kids and their families.
The MAC staff were pretty confused when we told them all the kids are celebrating BD =P Let's see some photos taken..
Here's Ryan, darling's classmate from Sunday GUG class:
Here's Aunty Lynne with baby Janessa, baby sister of Joshua
After most of us had arrived, the MAC staff organised some games.. haa.. which is in a good effort put in by them but our little ones are all prob too young to appreciate those games =P And the MAC lady was so into it and kept insisting we get ourselves separated into 2 groups of the same # of headcount but to us, its not the end results that matter I guess =P
First game: Scooping a ping pong ball with a spoon, walk a distance to a big mug and place the ping pongs into the mug. Well the kids were suppose to go for it one after another but hee.. the mummies (who were guiding their little ones) got out of control.. HAA.. everyone was moving to the box for the pingpong balls all at a time! Some photos of the chaotic game..
1,2,3,4,5 .. "5 little ducks went swimming one day".. hee the little princesses all Q-ed up for the game to start. Girls r always more orderly huh =P

After the games it was makan time! see the little ones all seated at their seats waiting for food to be served

Finally, makan!
Opps, mummy caught in the act!

All the mummmies decided to get the MAC Cake for the BD babes and hunks. Dun really know how much we topped up for it. It seems that the MAC cake has looked like this for many years (anyone knows otherwise?)
Darling staring at the cake.. yum yum
Its cake cutting time!
Yum yum...

Group photo.. hmm this is by far the only photo which managed to get most of the kiddos on screen! we were too big a group le!

Sweet darling =D

Ryan with his family + us

Mummy celebrating BD too?

Mummy and darling:

Our family photo (but why is mr MAC here? He's not part of our family..hmm)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My DIY "Dog Bread"
Today darling made this during class:
Its a piece of bread, butter spread, rasins (eyes), carrots (whiskers), cucumbers (ears) and tomatoes (mouth).. after the masterpiece was completed, darling ate the bread, raisins and tomatoes.. the carrots n cucumbers were too raw and darling din like them (well, mummy ate them instead)
A Fruitful day
After our housekeeping we went to the library to return our books and borrowed an atonishing amount (18books) of books! The free library membership allows 6books a member (was 4 a few mths ago).. Its such a nice thing.. our NLB.. When we got there, mummy asked darling what book does baby wants, darling replied "the May I book"… Hee, darling remember this book about baby kangaroo learning to say "mummy, may I … please". We were lucky, the book was available for loan that day!
We did plenty of reading in the library and after which we went for lunch @ PH. Mummy ordered a Kids Menu for darling which comprises Pasta, Fried Stared potatos, Orange juice and a serving of ice cream. Well, darling only ate 1/4 of it? The rest were gobbled up by .. who else but Daddy =P
After lunch we went to NTUC and mummy bought sushi making ingredients.. Its been many years since mummy made them. But the NTUC @ HG doesn't have much Sushi ingredients. We only managed to get crabsticks, japanese cucumbers, unagi and of course the rice and vinegar. When we got home mummy put darling to zzzz and daddy went to his beloved hideout "sim lim" to collect some machine he bought many months ago but was sent back for repairs/replacement ..
Mummy started making the sushi while darling zzzzzzzzzz.. And Daddy came home in an hour's time only to realise the machine don't seems to work!? And daddy in the midst of his irritated mood (coz of the machine) was creating much noise which woke darling up (earlier than she should) and mummy was still making sushi! So daddy brought darling along for his 2nd trip to sim lim while mummy continue with sushi making ..
Only rem to take pict of this sushi rice made for darling =D
hmm.. but darling ate all the crab sticks, hotdogs and cucumbers, only ate 1/4 of the rice! hmmm, mabbe sushi rice is too sticky for darling coz she gagged on it a couple of times...
Mummy went to buy Pooh bear sushi rice mould yesterday. Shall try make sushi again and this time will be Pooh. Its been a few years since mummy made sushi and well, daddy says they are nice =D