
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A Fruitful day
After our housekeeping we went to the library to return our books and borrowed an atonishing amount (18books) of books! The free library membership allows 6books a member (was 4 a few mths ago).. Its such a nice thing.. our NLB.. When we got there, mummy asked darling what book does baby wants, darling replied "the May I book"… Hee, darling remember this book about baby kangaroo learning to say "mummy, may I … please". We were lucky, the book was available for loan that day!
We did plenty of reading in the library and after which we went for lunch @ PH. Mummy ordered a Kids Menu for darling which comprises Pasta, Fried Stared potatos, Orange juice and a serving of ice cream. Well, darling only ate 1/4 of it? The rest were gobbled up by .. who else but Daddy =P
After lunch we went to NTUC and mummy bought sushi making ingredients.. Its been many years since mummy made them. But the NTUC @ HG doesn't have much Sushi ingredients. We only managed to get crabsticks, japanese cucumbers, unagi and of course the rice and vinegar. When we got home mummy put darling to zzzz and daddy went to his beloved hideout "sim lim" to collect some machine he bought many months ago but was sent back for repairs/replacement ..
Mummy started making the sushi while darling zzzzzzzzzz.. And Daddy came home in an hour's time only to realise the machine don't seems to work!? And daddy in the midst of his irritated mood (coz of the machine) was creating much noise which woke darling up (earlier than she should) and mummy was still making sushi! So daddy brought darling along for his 2nd trip to sim lim while mummy continue with sushi making ..
Only rem to take pict of this sushi rice made for darling =D
hmm.. but darling ate all the crab sticks, hotdogs and cucumbers, only ate 1/4 of the rice! hmmm, mabbe sushi rice is too sticky for darling coz she gagged on it a couple of times...
Mummy went to buy Pooh bear sushi rice mould yesterday. Shall try make sushi again and this time will be Pooh. Its been a few years since mummy made sushi and well, daddy says they are nice =D

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