
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
GUG 3rd term
Yeah, today is darling's first class for the 3rd term and it's a new class, the Tots class! Mummy's so excited to see if darling will enjoy as much in her upgraded class =D We were there pretty early and darling headed to her old classroom .. Haa… probably too used to her old class room =D
Anyway, when mummy brought darling over to her new classroom there was only one other student in the classroom, we are really early =D The class schedule is the same for some of the activities:
(1) social play - more advanced toys like threading, lego blocks and bowling pins;
(2) hello/introduction songs singing - same songs;
(3) Zoo bag and the 3 words starting with G - today's 3 words are Green, Grapes and Glooves. Teacher handed everyone a Grape and the kids have to say 'grapes' before they 'earn' their grapes =D;
(4) reciting & matching Zoophonics, something new for zoophonics is each child would sit in Teacher Wei's lap and do tracing of the letter G whilst teacher wei made all of them repeat the 3 G words as well as the pronounciation of G;
(5) 3-letter words pronounciation is the 2nd activity which is new. Today's word is PIG and teacher wei went thru it as "Pewee Penguin P P P", "Inny Inchworm I I I", "Gordon Gorilla G G G" = P-I-G
(6) tea break
(7) chinese segment - Li Lao Shi took charge of the chinese class and so did daddy. Mummy wanted daddy to take the 2nd half and told darling abt it and Darling said 'ok'. But when mummy stood up, darling went "ma ma, ma ma, ma ma" .. Hee… and Teacher wei came over saying "sr? tot u promised its ok for mummy to go out?" well, so mummy told darling again .. And darling said ok ..AGAIN..
When mummy peeped into the class again, could hear darling going "ma ma, ma ma ...." hee.. And its teacher wei to the rescue! Haaa, if any of you follows our blog, you may find this familiar, coz teacher wei had previously saved daddy once when darling went "ma ma ma mammmmmmma" in class =P So teacher wei sat darling in her laps, aft a while daddy took over.
Li Lao Shi's segment includes singing (animals songs in mandrian), introducing animals (in mandrian) and lastly story telling with a lot of props (in mandrian). The class was abit off control during the story telling as the kids were busy taking the props away from their designated posts!
(8) Project work: Darling planted onions today =D A plastic cup, some soil, an onion and abit of water was all that was required and darling came out of class happily, with her plastic cup in a plastic bag and was able to tell mummy where's her onion .. Hope they sprout into spring onions soon and darling could eat her own "crop" .. Heee
Compared to the Babes class, there was no LIVE music class and the project work is something more 'challenging'. Overall mummy's delighted and satisfied with the class. SOOO looking forward to the next class.. Honey Horse, here we come "Neigh"!!!
2nd class - H
Darling wore her Tigger costume to class today! Haa.. Coz mummy din wan the costume to be white elephant at home (only wore it once during darling's 9mths foto shoot!). Darling trained for her tiger roars at home but when we got to class, she refused to roar, paiseh =P heeeee
Today's Artncraft session was really messy.. "Hand made flower". The session was conducted in chinese by Li Lao Shi (which I tot is gd coz it allows darling n her classmates to b exposed to instructions in mandarin … ). So wat's so messy abt this session? Everyone had their palms into the orange paint n stamped onto the paper to make flower petals.. …… here's darling's flower :
There is Music class today and .. Hee.. The children went to the zooooooo and saw a tiger! Haa and so darling is the tiger everyone saw in school =P
3rd class - I
Today's zoo animal is inny inchworm and teacher wei drew worms on all the childrens' pointer finger.. Quite nice n innovative coz when the kids wriggle their pointer fingers, it looks lilke inny worming itself around =D There's artncraft today too and Theme is "circle shape" .. Stamping (using wine bottles stopper- circles) on a picture of a bus n drawing circular windows (using crayons) and ended with teacher wei distributing circle shaped biscuits to all the kids..
Li Lao Shi read a chinese book abt Little pig inviting his animal frens over for mummy's BD party. Many animals were introduced and their feeding habits were matched to each of the animal frens. Well, there was BD song singing of course =D
Somehow toddlers' classes seems to last longer .. Hee.. More value for money? Hiak hiak .. But mummy likes it .. Really =D
4th class - J
Spiders were the topic for today's chinese and project lessons. Insy was sang in a mandarin version! Darling learnt a new chinese word and is able to rem it till now (muckssss to my darling). For project time, Lu lao shi showed how 2 pieces of circular biscuits, some biscuit sticks, rasins and jam could be combined to become a "spider for eating" =D The jam was spread on the circular biscuits, the sticks were broken into 8 pieces for spider legs and 'stuck' onto the circular biscuits using jam as glue. Lastly the rasins were placed on top as the spider's eyes. Darling ate the eyes and the legs. Din take the body (daddy helped himself to them instead.. Greedy daddy)
5th class - K
Kiwi fruits were introduced to the class today. "K" for kiwi.. Darling finished her's and wanted more =P she went to teacher wei for more but lucky darling was so dong shi.. mummy told darling each one gets 1 only and darling seems to understand and gave the spoon back to Lu lao shi for keeping =D
6th class - L
Lizzy lizard is one lazy lizard that likes to put both hands under her chin and goes 'llllllllllllllll' the whole day. Teacher wei laid down on her tummy and showed everyone lizzy lizard's posture. Darling followed suit and did it the whole session =D
Limes were used for art n craft today. Lu lao shi cut limes and passed them ard for everyone to smell them. Yellow and blue paint were introduced and mixed together to form the color of the limes = green.
7th class - M
Daddy's out of town and hence not going to be with us for this class till the end of the term =(
Today gong gong went with us, probably wanting to help mummy with darling (sharing the weight?!). We were late today coz the journey from gong gong's to sch wasn't as fast as mummy estimated it to be. Thanks to the F1 race, mummy din want to take the cab (for fear of road closures…) and we cant take that one direct bus frm gong gong's to gug. Well so we missed the first 1/2hr of sing along (which darling missed it dearly coz darling was tapping on the mat for it when we entered the classroom)…. This coming week we shall not set off from gong gong's le .. Hmmmm
Today's project work was fine motor skills and building vocab. Pictures of food, clothing, vehicles were printed on paper, laminated and cut out. These were dispersed ard the room and the children were asked to pick up food items to feed their fren, the "MMMMMMM Monster". Lu lao shi sang the 'xia yu ge' for mandarin lesson today and took out a brolly to 'shelter' everyone from the rain =D darling noes that song and was singing along with lu lao shi .. Hee =D
@ the end of today's class, teacher wei and lu lao shi gave out childrens' day pressies for everyone.
Here's one of the present.. a lantern
Mummy helped darling take this foto of darling with her teachers.. And well darling was doing her signature 'act cute' and 'smile' guesture and her teachers joined her in it!
8th class - N
To be continued…
9th class - O
To be continued…

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