
Monday, July 20, 2009
YEAH, our long outstanding Sentosa Trip
Mummy woke up early to cook darling's porridge for dinner (to pack to Sentosa). Darling probably knew we are going for our 1st Sentosa outing and was very co-operative at her breakfast =D finished full serving of her brown rice + banans + milk breakfast within 20mins.
We don our family outfit - Oranje Army - for our family outing =D
Here's a foto taken at home with Donald . .. Haa.. But Donald is camera shy =P
We took NEL, stopped at Vivo for lunch. Darling had some soup + rice + chicken for her early lunch. We oso bot breadtalk orange steam cake and bread for our consumption on the island. Then its off to the Sentosa train at Vivo. The ride costs $1 and entrance to the island is $2. Darling was so excited to see the train and went 'tu tu train' =D We board the train, cross the sea, saw boats (and sang the 3 little sailing boats song), saw the intergrated resorts which is still under construction and oso the roller coaster tracks! But darling couldn't understand the roller coaster tracks, neither was she able to spot the cable cars up in the sky (which appeared mini in the far away sky) despite mummy's repeated attempts to point her to them ..
Our first stop: Palawan Beach..We wanted to catch the animals show at the grand stand at 12noon and we only had 15mins to get there! So we ran there.. HAAAA .. Great exercise for mummy n daddy .. Darling was being carried by mummy and then daddy thru'out our run .. HAA.. But but .. Booo .. When we got there, the staff told us that the weather is not too gd and the show would probably b cancelled =(
Looking up we saw dark clouds forming and we quickly went into the nearby food court. Mummy decided to latch darling on and prob let darling have a booster nap.. Who noes the rain stopped within 10mins. So daddy brought darling out into the open for sandplay.. .. Urgh and daddy got darling wet!
Goodness! See the cellulite on darling's thighs?!
Mummy din plan for darling to get wet and din bring her shampoo. So mummy went to the nearby 7-11 got baby bath and baby lotion. Aft some wet play mummy took darling to the ladies to clean up. Goodness me… there isn't any children cleaning up area and mummy had to wash darling up under the normal adult overhead shower. Well mummy got all wet washing darling up… Aft washing up we went for the primates show. Darling wanted to walk towards the open stage area to see the monkeys up close .. Haa..
Aft the show, we rushed for the dolphin show at 1pm and its running again .. Haaa… daddy n mummy sure lose some weight =P The dolphin show wasn't too interesting coz the dophins were performing at a stage which was so far away from the audience. Darling only catch a few glimpse of the dolphins and thereafter she is busy playing with sand and laid down on the sand!
Aft the dolphin show we took the island tram from Palawan beach to the other side of the island - Siloso beach for the underwater world. Here are some pictures from the underwater world visit:
There is an open tank whereby visitors may reach into the water to touch the fishes. Darling reached in but can get to the fishes which were darting around the tank!
The Open tank:
Darling probably learnt how a shark, stingray, starfish, crab, spider crab, octopus, cuttlefish, dugong, etc looks like =D The octopus which looks pretty yucky and scary gave darling a scare whilst the sea angel with cute little tiny flipping wings amused darling and she tried to immitate the little sea angel's flipping-wings action. Darling fell asleep in daddy's arms during the 2nd round of the underwaterworld tunnel walk and we left the exhibits and headed for the gifts shop. Mummy bought animal cups, animal puzzles, a turtle soft toy and sea creatures stickers for darling.
In the tunnel:
Darling fell asleep in daddy's arms:
Deep Sea Isopod:
We wanted to head for Songs of the Sea venue after Underwater world tour but darling woke up and hence we let darling play at the sand playground first. Here's darling enjoying herself in the sand and the house for little ones =D
On the slide:
Darling with daddy.. cramping into the little house:
Let's go for Songs of Sea:
Guess its about time we buy new camera.. no voice recorded?! Daddy prob spoilt it during the water play with darling earlier in the day.. haizzz
Our last stop for the day is Songs of the Sea .. When we got to the venue, mummy got down to feed darling her porridge .. Whilst daddy went to get the tics … boooo … daddy came back with bad news, the tics for the 2 shows are SOLD OUT! We din expect it else we would have bot the tics when we first got to the island in the morning.. So we ended our day early, leaving for main land and got home by 8pm.. Its been an exicting, energy burning and great family outing day for us =D Thank you daddy for keeping to your promise to bring us on Sentosa .. Looking forward to our postphoned Zoo outing .. and perhaps Sentosa #2 for Songs of the Sea ?

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