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Monday, July 6, 2009

I'm a chef =D

Mummy got bonus for the year (not alot, really not alot..boo) so darling got herself a new toy ;) (what an excuse for getting a new toy for darling). Its a mini kitchen set! We went to uncle winson's place a few weeks back and mummy saw darling having hsuch fun with it and so decided to get one for darling too... Though the box states an age which is darling's current + 4 .. haaa
Anyway, mummy is afraid most of the food, utensils, forks and spoons would be lost in a few weeks time! Mummy's tinking of DIY some 'food' for darling too.. using paper or cloth.. whilst daddy can make food using darling's doh =D

Here's my little chef at work:

and the Slimz's chefs =D

Heee.. my little chef has an apron too =D hee.. its actually her ArtnCraft apron!
posted by slimz at 1:00 PM


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