
Monday, July 13, 2009
Visit to Sengkang Fire Station (4th June)
It was mummy n darling's first time, eye opener… but to dearest daddy, it is his at finger tips .. Coz daddy is with SCDF for his NS.. And during his reservist, ICT, IPPT etc he is exposed to such equipment. Our first station was the Control room (shiok! Coz it's the only air-conditioned place in the whole premises!). There was this button which amuses mummy a lot on the control panel which reads "Traffic Light". So mummy asked and was told that in the event that the Fire Engine needs to go out (emergency), the control room would press this button and the traffic light outside the station would turn in RED immediately for the fire engines to go out.. WOW WOW.. Can control traffic leh =P
Our tour guide then brought us to view the Fire engine and explained all the parts and equipments on it. There weer hoses of 3 different sizes, video camera on the front seat to video cam any vehicles who refuses to give way on the road! The back seats which can take about 5 firemen is really crampy and low overhead.. Poor firemen has to cramp in there… There were all sorts of equipment, from Bio-chemicals, heavy saws to cut locked doors/gates, small and simple devices to break car windows and cut car seat belts. We were shown a mini camera which is worn in foggy/smoky surroundings and our firemen would find it easier to spot victims.
Next we were shown the Ambulance. There were 3 of them and was told one had gone out for "call" already. Our tour guide told us that ambulances calls are more freq than that of fire engines, that's why there are more ambulances compared to only 1 fire engine in the station. And the control of the traffic lights would only be activated when there are fire engine calls coz there are too many ambulance calls. There are mini fire engines (mummy dun rem wat they are called) which are posted at "Fire Posts". Fire Posts are similar to our Neighborhood Police Posts (NPPs). These mini fire engines are stationed at 2 different NPPS so that they could react to fire calls faster. The medic was about to start explaining the things we see on the ambulance when there was a call for ambulance and we were there to see the ambulance go out in ONE minute, with the medic, driver and another personnel (mummy cant rem what's the name …). ALL ambulances and Fire engines HAVE to leave the premises within ONE minute from the call, failure to do so the officer would need to write long long reports and penalised for it. So we saw the medic ran to don his uniform, ran to the control room for the call report and "zoom" off they go!
With the ambulance gone, our tour guide showed us to the Fire engine motorbike & Ambulance motorbike. They are really huge and heavy and heavily equipped compared to normal bikes on the road. Even a Harley cant be compared to their size! Really takes a strong big man to drive one… these comes with all the nec equipments to save lives and the fire engine motorbike even has 2 gas tanks. One tank for our fireman cum motorcyclist and the other to pump water out for fire fighting purposes. The poor fireman would have to wear the double tanks on their backs while they put out fires. Cant image if they need to run up staircases with the tanks?!
After the bikes we went to view this fire engine tanker. It is meant for fighting bush/forest fires coz they do not have the normal wheels. Our tour guide demo how it is done and daddy had a go at it too. There was a Sliding Pole performance whereby 4-5 firemen on duty slide down their poles. They can even 'brake' in midpoint on the poles. The officer on duty advised that (there was another group of visitors) such sliding pole performance is not meant for boys to try on at playground poles!
We had a go at Fire fighting too. WOW the hose is VERY heavy and the water pressure .. Mummy suffered a bruise cut on the underarm after holding the hose underarm to fight fire!
The finale was a ride Up the eletric ladder. Well we din climb, we took a ride on the open air lift and were brought up to 7 storeys height. The wind is great and so is the view =D Darling was 'wow-ing' thru'out. Daddy leaned forward and showed darling the height. Darling din appeared scared =D
When the tour ended, we were given souvenirs pens and pencils and darling got herself a Fireman helmet!

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