
Friday, February 20, 2009
Another sneak posting ...
here's our family foto taken with the Mickey Mouse at uncle vincent/aunty lydia's prince's 1st BD .. happie bd ethan.. (belated?)
dearest shirui was busy chasing Mickey mouse around the premises.. if cant find darling, just look out for Mickey =P here's darling at its feet.. mummy caught darling trying to step on Mickey's feet!
MY polo tee!
here's some fotos taken by mummy linda yeo at the Grace Kids trial gym class recently..
Shirui advertising for FF personalised tees .. hee.. daddy only knew abt the price tag on the day itself.. =P

Monday, February 16, 2009
A glimpse of our next posting
Hee... cobwebs?
Shirui's passport foto!
Hee.. we wanted to save $$$ hence DIYed darling's first official passport foto.
(1) too closed up!
(2) daddy said cant open mouth?
(3) Mummy's bz keeping baby entertained so that she would stay in position. The negative of it, see darling's eyes wandering off!
(4) Feeling grumoy le after so many shoots =P
Guess which foto we chose in the end? hee.... its a secret..
Mummy still owe our dear readers the Gong Xi Fa Cai series of blog postings.. urgh.. so sorry for the delay dear fans of our slimz4ever blog.. hope mummy will find time for it soon.. owe you this for the time being huh.. nitey nitezzz
Best Female Lead @ Oscars!
Anyway.. thereafter, shirui starting whinning during bathing coz the water on her wounds created such great pain to mummy's baby.. poor thing..
Shirui still managed to create laughter out of this sad episode! Hee... xiao yi asked shirui "shirui, your leg pain pain, where?" Darling who had injured her left knee, grabbed her right knee ,, and started whinning !! heee best actress? not really bah, coz no tears =P
Here's our actress in her role a few days after her fall:
Royce kids trial - 15 Feb
(1) Gymboree @ Tanglin Mall
(2) Kindermusik x 2 @ Tanglin Mall
(3) JWT @ UE square
(4) Grace kids @ GWC
(5) Royce kids @ Liang Court
Darling has attended so many trial gym classes!
There's alot of toys in the gym and its one of the smaller ones of the 5. Maybe coz its split into 2 sections, one for babies and toddlers, the other for children? No idea .. anyway the session started with a "good morning song' to introduce all the babies.. ehh.. and shirui was busy hugging the minnie mouse!
Hee.. for readers who nvr been to such classes, let mummy explain why is there a minnie mouse.. the teachers uses the minnie mouse to demo stunts/exercises which they want parents to perform on/with their babies/toddlers. Shirui took the teacher's minnie mouse and hence the teacher gotta take mummy's darling as demo =P
Darling wandering off in the middle of the class, mummy's too tired to give chase:
For the first time out of the so many gyms shirui attended, we were asked to lay our princesses and princes on the long bean pillows and the warming up was performed to "wheels of the bus" lyrics .. well many mummies had problem getting all the active kiddos into a sleeping position..mummy had to try a few times to get this..hee
"The children on the bus bounce up and down, up and down.." here's darlng enjoying the "up and down" actions.. haa.. coz mummy had darling carried real high up into the air and down to the ground:
Hmm.. and this is the only gym where there were many many many toys placed at easily reachable areas and height for the children to have free play.. ehh.. not a gd idea coz all the kids jux wont listen to instructions and go through the gym routine coz the toys are so distracting ..
Of course our shirui did not give the toys a miss =P
Harlow daddy, where are you?
Here's baby playing with muscial instruments with her frens:
Hee.. see all the daddies who cant join in the fun coz only one parent is allowed.. and mummies are naturally the ones =P
At the end of the session, mummies placed all the babies into this boxed area with lotsa plastic balls .. hee.. in an attempt to capture group foto for the babies.. but well, the babies were too engrosed with the balls!
After the class we went for lunch and its home sweet home after lunch. We walked back to Clary Quay MRT to take train to ah ma's. On our way back darling got attracted to the water fountain and got herself all wet!
Think darling was too thirsty =P
Urgh, mummy had to give darling a cleaning up after her water play and we finally made our way to ah ma's place .. ending our 2 days, spent fruitfully with shirui..
muckz darling .. mucks daddy =D
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happie Valentines' Day - East Coast Park
When we got there, daddy rented a bicycle.. hee for three of us .. coz mummy cant ride a bike =P
Here's darling and daddy on a ride ard .. hee.. warming up for daddy .. before mummy join in the fun:
Mummy attempted to take a video of all 3 of us on the bicycle:
Here's a picture taken by mummy while we were all on the bicycle:
We stopped along the beach and shirui had her first experience with the open sea and sand play..
Here's shirui enjoying the sea breeze. heee..lucky darling's hair is forever messy =P
Shirui din like to stand on the beach near the tide.. mummy thinks its coz the incoming waves probably looks like huge tidal tsunami waves coming towards her due to her height .. scary leh .. or maybe darling din like the feeling of the sand she's standing on being washed away as the sea comes in ..
Here's a grouchy shirui with daddy after she had a scare over the tide:
and with mummy:
Mummy and daddy brought shirui to a family of jie jies who were playing with sand.. thanks to the jie jies who lent darling their sand castle building equipment.. here's a video of darling enjoying her 1st sand play!
Darling really enjoyed her sandplay session..hee..she got sand all over!
Here's more videos of darling and the sand.. oh ya the kind jie jies are in this clipping too!
After half hour of sandplay we continued our cycling along the beach.. darling was bz 'ohh-ing' and 'ah-ing' along the way.. esp when the wind blows in our direction .. guess baby enjoyed herself like mummy and daddy.
Darling graduated from straw drinking recently after mummy tried to train her.. one day at popo's she jux decided to stop bitting the straws and suck instead =P here's darling putting her new found skills into use, drinking bubble tea from daddy's cup:
oh ya, see that rose on her hand..hee.. there was a carboot sales event at Bigsplash area. The malay aunties at one of the stalls gave darling this stalk of rose, wishing her happy valentines' .. shirui's first fresh rose.. ehh.. thanks to the aunties but shirui dropped the rose while we were cycling back to our starting point!
After we returned the bicycle to the rental stall daddy n mummy brought shirui for cleaning up at the outdoor clean up area. Then off to lunch .. ehh rather late lunch .. here's a full and contented shirui after her hearty lunch:
hee.. the hat cant stay long on darling =P
Daddy carried darling up the beacon to view the sailing ship and wind surfers.. here's darling enjoying the view and of course the feel of sea breeze:
Frisk n romp was our last stop for the day. Darling on the rocking dog:
Here's the latest invention.. hee.. big sized balls that babies and toddlers can grab =P
It was a long and fruitful day for all of us.. thankoo daddy for spending time with us, thankoo darling for being such a sweetie .. thankoo mummy for ______ (daddy for you to fill in) .. heee...
ehh something abt this outing that din go too well.... ehh.. shirui turned red on her cheeks aft the day's out in the sun! mummy applied sunblock for her .. but aft the washing up, mummy forgot to reapply.. urgh..abish!
Let's throw my toys!
Mummy caught darling in the act!
and she 'performed' for mummy to c again!
- now, that's what we call "short-handed" =P
Shirui knew the magnets stick on the fridge..and she was trying to stick them on the gate.. well guess she realised they dun and at the same time found out that its quite fun to c them in the mat outside ?!
Grace kids gym 18 Jan
mummy was alone, so din managed to take much fotos =(
here's a foto of shirui on the stairs taken by aunty linda yeo:

the session was 'ok' only.. not veri fantastic .. mabbe coz shirui was not in her best mood .. zzz-ing mode ..