
Monday, February 16, 2009
Hee... cobwebs?
Shirui's passport foto!
Hee.. we wanted to save $$$ hence DIYed darling's first official passport foto.
(1) too closed up!
(2) daddy said cant open mouth?
(3) Mummy's bz keeping baby entertained so that she would stay in position. The negative of it, see darling's eyes wandering off!
(4) Feeling grumoy le after so many shoots =P
Guess which foto we chose in the end? hee.... its a secret..
Mummy still owe our dear readers the Gong Xi Fa Cai series of blog postings.. urgh.. so sorry for the delay dear fans of our slimz4ever blog.. hope mummy will find time for it soon.. owe you this for the time being huh.. nitey nitezzz

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