
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
popo is veri worried now.. coz shirui can now reach for things more easily .. haaaa
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Shirui's favourite song =D
Sunday, July 20, 2008
PAW Walk 08
Wat's PAW?
Today our family of 3 participated in the PAW Walk 08 at Bishan Park...
PAW means Pneumococcal Disease Awareness Walk. The event is into its 2nd year running, with both years being held at Bishan Park.
Today we woke up around 8am and got everyone prepared and dressed for the walk which supposedly starts at 830am.. hee... however, we only reached there ard 9am and the Walk has oredi flag off!
Its a short distance of 500m. Prior to that mummy n daddy stood in the Q for abt 5mins to register and got a goodie bag:
hmmm..wat's inside the goodie bag? not much goodies, but alot alot of info abt the disease. There are write up on real life stories too.
We started the walk after collecting our bag and there's a quiz card to be completed during the walk, based on the information board placed along the route. Hee.. we din manage to complete the quiz though there were only 4-5 questions coz daddy said "hmmm..its suppose to b a walk for shirui and here we are, so engrossed in the quiz..?" so we continued our walk ..
There were MANY families, from old grannies to young babies .. shirui is definitely not the youngest there! Some were dressed for the event.. haa.. coming in Tiger costumes, snow white .. spiderman .. others like shirui were dressed to the simplest coz the weather is simply too hot!
Mummy linda came by with Jovan baby at ard 9+. By then the goodie bags are fully redeemed! The 2 Mummies chitchat and hee... brought shirui n jovan for a small tattoo
We oso took pict with the Mascot bear! See that's us hiding behind the bear .. hee...
Ard 10+ we left the park .. we din get to see mummy bernaice guess she was too late.. haaa... well coz mummy n daddy needed to run errands in the afternoon, so we left the park and headed for breakfast .. hee.. at Mac =D
dat's daddy n shirui @ Mac..
and here's shirui with mummy =D
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
BAD BAD mummy
shirui fell off the bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mummy carried her to popo's bed, wanted to nurse her to zzz as usual.. but mummy was too tired and fell asleep first..
the next moment, mummy heard shirui cries.. .. she's on the floor le ..
its the FIRST time darling cried so badly.. and it happened twice in the nite..
prior to this, darling bumped her upper lips on the floor wen she was trying to crawl/worm her way on the floor . ...
aft her fall, darling was given water.. popo says to calm her down ..
den mummy carried, pat and sing darling's fav lullaby .. and she fell asleep..
now mummy's working and at the same time, keeping an eye on darling.. wake her up every 30mins .. .. ULTRA scared she concussion ..
*praying for no side effects*
Monday, July 14, 2008
Night out .. jux shirui and mummy =D
jux mummy n darling
she was such a darling, veri guai thru'out my meal
here's some fotos of darling sitting car car =D
with mickey mouse:
with some other mouse.. haa.. mummy duno wat's the name of this character:
heee.. its nose sure attracts attention wor =P
YEAH almost done...(2)
finally our room:
window ledge for us to rest n relac
Masterroom toilet door..
YEAH almost done...(1)
the bomb shelter feature wall.. veri ex! 1.9k
Kitchen cabinets
Living room - only have a tv console table
Dinning lights .. tink it costs $298..
Shirui's room .. its blue.. ya.. why not PINK for girl? hee... coz mummy wanted a NATURAL colour for darling =D
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Yum yum
she's drinking cereals from the bottle =(
dunno how ... HEADACHE
but she seems to enjoy OUR food .. and her TOYS more. . . ....
yummy sealion toy
but my fist tastes better!
oh ya.. hee... see that small hair clip on her head ..heee.. mummy got for shirui 3 pcs @ $2.90 .. hiak.. its meant for countable hair babies.. HAA
We've all been really bz bz bz
Daddy been bz @ work and mummy too ..
Hardly remember to take fotos of our little darling
In one of our earlier posts, we said will bring shirui for her 2nd pasar malam car ride and take fotos :
heee..that's mummy and darling
Before the rides we went for a hearty meal at Hougang Mall, japanese food.. daddy treated coz he got his bonus, twice as much as mummy's!
shirui's first time on highchair =D see she's grabbing so tightly to the side of the chair .. kia si .. haaaaaaaaaa
here's daddy the DEVIL, feeding darling with cold lime tea! urgh!!
darling's first taste of SOUR:
haizz.. being a small piglet, she takes all kinds of food .. see, she's banging table, asking for more