
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
BAD BAD mummy
shirui fell off the bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mummy carried her to popo's bed, wanted to nurse her to zzz as usual.. but mummy was too tired and fell asleep first..
the next moment, mummy heard shirui cries.. .. she's on the floor le ..
its the FIRST time darling cried so badly.. and it happened twice in the nite..
prior to this, darling bumped her upper lips on the floor wen she was trying to crawl/worm her way on the floor . ...
aft her fall, darling was given water.. popo says to calm her down ..
den mummy carried, pat and sing darling's fav lullaby .. and she fell asleep..
now mummy's working and at the same time, keeping an eye on darling.. wake her up every 30mins .. .. ULTRA scared she concussion ..
*praying for no side effects*

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