
Thursday, February 28, 2008
12 weeks and counting .. ..
been MIA awhile.. have alot to post..
1) mummy is meeting fellow mummies from the Singapore Motherhood forum on sunday @ Kallang Mac leh.. so fun.. can finally put a face to the nicknames everyone uses in the forum .. heheheee
2) haizzz.. and mummy is gg bk to work soon ..
maternity leave ending 10th march .. boohhoooo .. and mummy ve been given new job while away on leave.. yucks!! how irritating management can get.. tot job portfolio is communicated n set way b4 mummy went on leave.. mummy've told mgtm tis yr no promo is ok .. ..
but if mummy does tis new job and do not get the appropriate appraisal, bonus, promotion in june.. hmph!!! confirm will go kick up a fuse de.. trust ME!
3) shirui is gg for her 3rd jab on 10th march .. yeah.. and it means can ve her mthly assessment le ... wonder how heavy is she now .. @ 2mths she was 5kg .. 6kg now? hmmmm
4) we rec'd letter from HDB to collect our keys le..appt to collect was 6March but we've written in to HDB and ve successfully defer it till early May (coz mummy ve oredi applied leave during May to c to the reno..) anyway.. now we r cracking our head over how to do our house .. daddy suppose to arrange to meet up wif contractor tis sat.. mummy's guess is dat daddy has forgotten abt it ..
5) time really flies.. uncle vincent's bb boy ethan is gg b 1mth old le.. he was born a day b4 CNY .. guess auntie lydia mux b real delightful to get past confinement (yucky!)
6) mummy been doing research on activities to play wif shirui as shirui gets bigger ..
tis webby http://parenting.ivillage.com alot of info.. oso ve info on baby massage n baby yoga .. so fun =D
mummy n fellow mummies on forum are organising a group yoga + baby session ..
Oso ve placed reservation for books by Glenn Doman @ NLB .. planning to find this "125 Brain Games for Babies by Jackie Silberg" too ...
7) Mummy have switched shirui's bath n wash to "California Baby & GAIA" products coz they r organic.. better for skin ..thou its abit more ex.. but since mummy can afford.. so ok lor.. GooN diapers are good .. better dan petpet..petpet is fasten using tape.. not good, alwys stick on shirui's bums n thighs den mummy changing her
8) BTW, to interested parties out there : there's bb fair @ Taka on 6-25March and 21st to 23rd March 2008 - Mother & Baby Fair at Expo
9)anyone u heard of this place call babyhyper store and baby kingdom?
Monday, February 25, 2008
fruitful wkend!
we had our first major threesome family outing on sat
1) went to the park behind amk hse for morning exercise.. mummy wanted go gym (coz no insect bites..)but dady says go park got fresher air. we ve decided not to go park wif SR again le.. coz the roads r not good, bumpy.. dady tinks SR wil get car sick frm the pushing of her pram along these bumpy park roads.. so its the gym nxt week =D
2) den we went raffles city robinsons.. mummy finaly got the nursing bra from M&S.
its good n comfy .. 2 pcs for $99.. mummy bot 2 pcs coz oredi ve a few from all the diff brands.. its non wired.. good for nursing..
3) lastly we went suntec.. headed to the kids section.. bot shirui 3 pcs of new dresses.. haha.. the sizes are frm 3mths - 2yrs .. =P
on sunday:
we went AMK HUB wif gugu n her kids.. went to get shirui a fan for her stroller..
the oni ting we forgot to do ... haizzz.. is we din take fotos!!!! brot the camera.. but forgot 2 take picts to kip the memories of our first major famly outing ..
Friday, February 22, 2008
its been awhile..
mummy brot shirui to Compass point last nite.. hehee.. ya.. jux mummy n shirui .. n her pram .. took bus wor =P haizz.. and no one bothered to help mummy wif the pram wen we board n alight the bus .. boohooo .. singaporeans!
mummy went shop abit in Compass point.. bot a dress n a jacket from pepperplus.. tried a dress wich was veri appropriate for office wear..but cant zip .. hahaa... @ the bustline .. its "L" size le wor.. =[
mummy's fren's niece was born a few days ago .. born in taiwan coz her SIL is taiwanese.. went bk give birth + confinement there.. the poor bb is born wif cleft palate.. any1 has any Dr to recommend on tis? tink will hinder drinking .. and later stage will hinder speech n hearing .. so beta to seek pro help asap..
hehehe... mummy abit of shopping @ the BP (bulk purchase) on the forum .. items bot to date:
- a nursing wrap (still in the midst of delivering...)
- a bb sling (rec'd yday, haven go figure out how 2 use..got it 2nd hand frm a fellow mummy)
- GooN diapers & wipes (tried the sample, not bad.. the wipes r paraben free..)
- California Baby products.. (organic pdts..)
saw the burberry BP.. hehee.. lucky its closed le.. else daddy gg faint wen he reads tis.. =P
oso intending to buy GAIA pdts.. but these ve 2 buy from Guardian stores, no online de.. =[
Monday, February 18, 2008
day OUT!
today brot shirui out to mummy's wkplace @ raffles place .. mummy's mgr treated "flip fish" lunch..
raffles place is a veri bad plc to bring shirui to .. esp wif a pram .. coz all the exits link to the top level via escalators.. no lifts.. so mummy took cab there instead .. ve to feedbk to SMRT le .. boohooo .. and there are no nursing rooms for breastfeeding! mummy brot shirui to office for BF instead.. lucky mummy's office has 2 BM pumping rooms.. so used it for BF shirui..
mummy's boz gave shirui an angpow.. hehe.. $120 .. but duno issit for full mth or issit for CNY .. haha.. dat time mummy's colleague gave birth, boz gave an anklet.. mummy would prefer angpow.. hehee.. coz shirui oredi got an anklet from waigong waipo le.. hehee
the 1st taxi driver who drove us to office.. was good.. he helped mummy wif the bb pram.. both wen boarding n alighting cab.. the return journey frm office.. the driver CMI !! he jux sat in cab wait for mummy to kip the stroller .. and oso to put it into the boot ... booohhooooo ... mummy noted his name - Koh "K" Kian .. dun wan to name him full here...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
happie vday
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
play time wif mummy...
c how much shirui enjoying herself =D
c her double chin!
10dec wif piggy fren
today wif piggy fren
c shirui had grown bigger =D
its Vday tmr!
tis yr i've got one new loved one.. shall hug her tight tight to bed tonite .. muckz ..
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
may all babies grow well and healthy
so sadden by it .. left mummy in a pool of tears aft visiting the blog.. the pictures themselves are enuf to make tears drop like tapwater.. ..
jux wanna hug my shirui more n tighter in bed tonite .. and the many many nites to come .. ..
darling .. may u grow well and healthy ..
mummy n daddy luv u .. .. muckz muckz
not ZzZ-ing wor
today she woke @ 8am .. bathe.. no zz till 12plus.. took a 1/2 hr nap .. den wake up
aft dat she zzz in our arms.. but once put on bed she open eyes .. sobzzz...
jux now i lie down wif her.. breastfeed her .. let her suckle to zzz.. end up i zz too
wen i wake, i c she oso wake... haizz... .. now ah gong is carrying her, trying to coax her to zzz .. ..
Monday, February 11, 2008
ExercisE to a greater life
both mummy n daddy ate alot tis CNY .. one day of jogging doesn't reverse much harm .. haizz.. mux keep it up!!!!
well mummy got lost in the hillpark again .. hehe.. initially wanted jog along main road .. but was afraid mummy's upsized, milk full busts mite look like papayas bouncing and so many eyes will c .. hehe.. so went the park, lesser passerbys.. who noe end up lost again ..
toking abt health.. one of mummy's audit senior manager jux passed away today.. he is an UK'ian, leaving behind 3kids n a hsewife wife.. the mgr had a heart attack tis morning n pass away thereaft .. so sudden.. haizz.. life is so unpredictable wor.. his kids still pretty young de wor .. the smallest is apparently still in primary sch .. hmmm.. the mgr was pretty big sized de..
daddy n mummy really ve to maintain health lifestyle.. exercise n eat healthy ..
Sunday, February 10, 2008
its over.. .. daddy's long holiday
and shirui's ang pow collection mission is close to an end too ..
tankoo to all aunties, uncles, grandaunts, granduncles etc etc etc ... cya nxt yr le wor =D
hmmm.. nxt yr shirui will b able to say "gong xi gong xi" le i tink .. hehehe..
Friday, February 8, 2008
CNY 2nd Day
went mummy's Da Gu, Er Gu den went back to wai gong wai po hse.. uncle sam n uncle mark came by @ wai gong wai po plc.. den we set off to Da Po plc @ jurong @ ard 2plus.. we stayed there till ard 7 ..
c my attire today .. its the pink dress from aunty yuan her .. wore a white shirt inside.. coz cold cold .. "chk out my matching butterfly socks"
gong gong is making me smile while daddy took many pictures..c my beautiful smile =D
c the cap from wai po .. hehehe.. shirui dun like to wear caps.. c her grouchy face =P
tis is me n waigong
c our family foto .. hehehe.. shirui doesn't like dat position .. =P
Thursday, February 7, 2008
CNY first day ..
we brot shirui to visit old grandma..saw alot of other relatives .. and of course .. collected many angpows .. =D
c shirui in her new CNY yellow flowers dress.. cute cute
c how excited she is =D
CNY .. ya shui qian
c how happie she is =D
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Reunion meal x2
den we went back amk ah gong ah ma plc for makan .. every1 came bk.. da po da po mu.. er gu n all the cousins...hehee.. shirui refused to zzz wen it was makan time for us.. guess she wanna join in the fun too .. hence we placed her on her rocking chair.. in the living room tgr wif all of us .. we makan.. and she stare at us .. poor ting .. her mennu oni ve formula milk .. breast milk or soy milk .. HAHAHAHA!!!
anywae.. happie rat year to readers of our blog .. may shirui grow well in the coming yr .. muckzz.. mummy n daddy luv u .. and of course ... not forgetting dat 6feb is shirui's 2nd mth old le .. muckz muckz ..
uncle vincent is a Daddy today!
doubt can go visit u all in hospital le coz .. its CNY =P
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
shirui in stroller
first shopping day with shirui
today asked dady take half day off...hehee.. and we went amk hub..
did last min shopping for shirui, dady n my cny clothing ..
phew, its tough getting shirui's clothes..most of the shops do not carry clothes for <3mths old.. coz bb grow fast .. so most pple dun buy.. no demand, thus no supply..
end up buying a 3-6mth dress .. haha ..
dady bot a shirt and i too managed to get a dress.. me had a tough time.. look like a "ba chang" in almost everytin i tried ... wanted to get nursing bra too.. but those truimph, wacoal.. dun carry nursing bra.. some mothers suggested getting mark&spencer nursing bras.. but .. amk hub dun ve m&s..
oh ya.. there's a bb nursing room in amk hub leh .. jux found out 2day..its @ 3rd floor ..
Sunday, February 3, 2008
"ya shui qian"
heheee.. and ah ma jux strike lottery .. so guess shirui mite b getting abit more from ah ma tis CNY .. shirui is a xiao fu po le .. heheee..
Saturday, February 2, 2008
family shot
i'm officially 5kg today!!!
i am 5kg @ 8weeks old .. .. yeah .. that's 500g increase from 2weeks ago..
hmmm... dat means this 2 weeks of total breastfeed via direct latch-on .. is SUCCESSFUL .. YEAH!!! gambatte mommy n shirui
we oso went visit jingen jie jie @ her hse today .. wow.. she put on quite alot of wt le .. .. veri chubby too ...she's now 6.5kg and alot alot alot of hair .. shirui's hair is really .. haizzz.. haha ..
shirui oso got angpow from aunty nat n uncle CK.. tankoo ..
aunty marg/vim/ade/shujuan/xuiling.. tanks for the angppow gift.. .. =D