
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Visit to Dr Koh
earliest is coming wednesday .. i.e. less than a week le..
jux feel like have alot of tings haven do .. jialat .. getting nervous le ..
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Had a GRAND farewell lunch today .. for secondment colleagues Amy (UK) and Lisa (China) .. for leaver Kelly (tis is a guy wor!) and for Yvonne the leaver and retracter and transferer .. hahaha..
Shall be back in office 11 March 2008 .. pple dun miss us wor ;P
will keep everyone posted on Shirui's arrival and progressssss and of course many fotos =D
Monday, November 26, 2007
3 more days to 3 months rest
after packing :
many other tings .. like wipes, cotton balls, liners, pillows, toiletries.. :
Sunday, November 25, 2007
mumi cut hair le oso washed ur clothes (dadi took part in handwashing ur clothes too!!! ) .. ... all ready for u :D
mummi got a cute pic for u ...

Friday, November 23, 2007
Visiting Dr koh tmr!
the answer shall b revealed tmr .. YEAH =D
opps.. mummy had a veri heavy lunch wor .. hehee.. cant control at all .. tink girlgirl gg b reali huge
Thursday, November 22, 2007
4.5 working days to GO!
shirui..mumi and dadi ve changed mattress covers le .. oso kept our pets - lassie x2, milo, thumb thumb x2, yaya .. oso kept comforter .. we set aside an area on our bed for ur arrival :D
mumi gg wash ur clothes tonite and pack bag for hospital stay tonite .. yeah!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
沈詩蕊 - Shen Shi Rui
沈思蕊 - Shen Si Rui
沈詩蕊 - Shen Shi Rui
詩 instead of 思.. coz dadi says too many "心" .. scared nxt time ur fren's make fun of u being "花心" .. ..
OKIE DECIDED == 沈詩蕊 - shen shi rui ..
BTW .. mummy finally cut nails le :D
Monday, November 19, 2007
i Wan earn advertising fees
nvr tell/inform us .. we wan to charge advert fees =P
we gg c dr koh again tis sat.. wonder how big r u le .. hmmm .. 2.9kg 2 weeks ago.. at the rate mumi is eating .. shld b around 3.5kg bah =P opps..
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Ah Ma's birthday Dim Sum brunch
Its to celeb Ah Ma's birthday .. Ah ma Angmoh BD is the same as xiao yi.. on 10th Nov - wich is Chinese 10 of the 10th month..
Ah ma is 59 .. heheh... but according to her . its 60th.. chinese calender ;)
Here's a pix of ur 表姐 -- 慧欣 with Ah ma ..
and dadi --
Saturday, November 17, 2007
miXed feelings
jingen poooo-ed jux as we arrived & so we got to c her pompom..
forgot to take much pix .. oni ve one :

den we went vivocity .. walk the whole aftnon .. wanted to buy bathing rubber duckie..but none seems nice.. end up dadi found tis :
and it includes alot of diff animals :D
mumi n dadi suppose bring sirui go Gu Pek's wedding dinner..but Ah Ma said "NO" .. so .. we had to give angpow .. and skip the big meal..abit sad.. coz "pay yet din eat nor get to c the couple" .. haizz... :(
Friday, November 16, 2007
wonder how big is she now .. who noes she mite b even smaller than u .. hehe.. coz according to Dr Koh .. u prob gg b 3.5-3.6kg at birth wor..
this is her at birth --

btw, DADDY! wat xmas gift are we getting wor ..
Thursday, November 15, 2007
pEaceful diNNer huH
we shall let him have peace for the rest of our lives den...
10 more work days
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Rainy day .. zzz
would b good to stay home n zzzz zzz zz z...
mumi n dadi realise we oni ve abt 2-3 pcs of long sleeves/pants attire for u .. tink its not gg b enuf given the cold weather in Dec ..
mumi will go thru ur clothing tonite and c if nid more warm clothings .. den can go shop for them tis sat ..
yeah mumi finished ur gift le :D act .. its 99% done..
coz dadi suggested putting ur birthday on it .. so will oni b 100% done upon ur arrival wor ..
oh ya.. and nid to wash it clean b4 giving u :D
take a look..
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Reply from HDB
sometin terrible happen in the lift jux now.. an aunt guessed mummy is preg with bb boy .. coz .. mummy face ugly!!!! booooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo :'(
dun like that aunt !!
Our love nest!
our flat is ready for collect by end of this year .. its gg to coincide with your arrival to tis World ..
but we will ve to delay the flat collection .. coz u r more impt :D hopefully HDB will accede to our request..
oso headache over the loan .. wonder can we still use hdb loan given our current income.. let's wait for the hdb lady to reply us on our query bah ..

Monday, November 12, 2007
13days to go
sirui's been veri active today.. wriggling inside mumi :D
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
36 weeks
hehehe.. veri big .. big big ..
mummy gotta watch diet le .. scared too big .. tough to get u out ;)