
Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rainy day .. zzz

girl.. its been raining since early morning .. cold cold weather
would b good to stay home n zzzz zzz zz z...
mumi n dadi realise we oni ve abt 2-3 pcs of long sleeves/pants attire for u .. tink its not gg b enuf given the cold weather in Dec ..
mumi will go thru ur clothing tonite and c if nid more warm clothings .. den can go shop for them tis sat ..

yeah mumi finished ur gift le :D act .. its 99% done..
coz dadi suggested putting ur birthday on it .. so will oni b 100% done upon ur arrival wor ..
oh ya.. and nid to wash it clean b4 giving u :D

take a look..
posted by slimz at 9:48 AM


this colour...will get dirty very soon

November 20, 2007 at 11:39 AM  

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