
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Lazy mummy....MIA for 2011 =P (part1)

We also visited Noah's Ark, Snoopy ... and darling had her first taste of coffee

More of our HKG 2011 fotos here
Darling's 4th CNY ^^
This year we DIY-ed CNY greeting cards to some of our elders (here)

Our first baking session using mummy's micro-wave oven's conventional baking function. Mummy contemplated getting a traditional oven but given the small house we have, plus the frequency of our baking adventures, decided to stick with the micro-wave oven... (here)

Our next adventure with our oven... (here)

Orange Juiced!


Choc cake using pre-packed ready cake mix
Its edible, but not sure if it is tasty anot =P

DIY Kite for kite flying & picnic
We made a date to DIY our kite and go picnic with darling's BFF, Nicole ^^ but weather was bad up till an hour before our outing, hence Nicole din join us. We went ahead with GongGong PoPo and xiaoyi thou.. heee .. our kite never really made it into the skies =P (here)

Earth Hour 2011
We attended the 1 hour walk organised by WWF in March.
Looking back at the fotos, I'm wondering why did darling put on her cap for a walk in the evening...hmmmm ..

Some activities and makan before Mr Golden Sun fully sets and we cant see our fingers!

The laser lighting show at MBS which went on as usual coz its scheduled before the kick-off time of the Earth Hour.. Irony ahhh

Darling embarked on her Earth Hour walk, seated on daddy's shoulders!

Heee..Mummy confirm did the 3.5KM walk but can't say the same about darling ^^

Dayi was very very much involved in this and we showed our support in various ways. On the results announcement day.. this is what we did:
DIY a choc cake with hammer jelly for ah yeeeeee.. not presentable but edible =P

Turning up and staying till 4 am .. the crowds on the street after the party was HAVOC! Like soccer match, Liverpool WON against MU .. (haaa)

WP Appreication lunch
The nicer and more presentable.. hammer cake!

Fans queueing for their idol's signature..Kpop idol? nope, its Mr Low ^^

Long Kang Fishing

Draw a STORY
Mummy decided to do this with darling which engages darling from drawing to proper sentence structuring to logic/creative thinking. Well mummy started with Shirui the little red ridig hood - Lisa's version.

Here's darling's story of Shirui and the Beast

Story ended with some drama acting by little drama queen and a napping daddy:

Check this out for the full story .. hee
Storyteling by Teacher Shirui
Teacher Shirui with her class of .. animals

Keep Quiet and pay attention!

GongGong's BD
Here's the BD card DIY-ed by darling .. for gong gong and this is her first attempt at writing Gong Gong too ^^

Magdalene's 4th BD
ThanKYU for the invite ^^ mummy met up with alot of darling's classmates' parents and the kiddos had fun. Daddy insisted that the party co-ordinator from MacD looks like our dear PoPo... (here)
The invite

In the midst of playing games

Yummlicious Birthday Cake!

Darling joined her ballet class back in April 2011.. First lesson is 'open curtain' sessions thereafter we can't see what goes on inside...unless we peep thru the loopholes inbetween the curtains =P

This was darling wearing her ballet attire the first time

This was taken recently in Sept 2011,

.. spot the difference?
So how did darling fare in 2011? Check out her Report card (June 2011)... heee...
Our lives will never b the same this dec .. ..
01) 微笑pasta (****)
02) 王子变青蛙 (*****)
03) 星苹果乐园 (**)
04) 爱情魔发师 (***)
05) 花样少年少女 (*****)
06) 惡魔在身邊 (*****)
07) 公主小妹 (***)
08) 惡作劇之吻 (***)
09) 惡作劇2吻 (WIP)
10) 轉角*遇到愛 (*****)
11) 換換愛 (*****)
12) 東方茱麗葉 (**)
13) K-one (WIP)
14) 斗牛要不要 (WIP ****)
15) 櫻野3加1 (WIP *)
16) 海豚灣戀人 (*****)
01) My Lovely Sam Soon (*****)
02) My Girl (****)
03) Full House (***)
04) Coffee Prince (***)
05) Princess Hours (****)
01) 酒店风云 (*****)
02) 鳳凰四重奏 (?)
03) 老婆大人 (***)
04) 我的野蛮奶奶 (1 & 2) (*****)
05) 赌场风云 (*****)
06) 上海传奇 (****)
07) 人生马戏团 (***)
08) 开心宾馆 (***)
09) 天機算 (****)
10) 溏心風暴 (*****)
11) 歲月風雲 (?)
12) 學警出更 (?)
13) 肥田囍事 (****)
14) 水浒无间道 (****)
15) 西關大少 (*****)
16) 冲上云霄 (****)
17) 鐵血保鏢 (*****)
18) 妙手仁心 (1 & 3) (*****)
19) 阿旺新传 (****)
20) 学警雄心 (****)
21) 刑事情报科 (?)
22) 亂世佳人 (****)
23) 匯通天下 (?)
24) 火舞黃沙 (****)
25) 強劍 (***)
26) 潮爆大狀 (?)
27) 隨時候命 (?)
28) 突圍行動 (*****)
29) 千謊百計 (***)
30) 男人之苦 (?)
31) 飛短留長父子兵 (?)
32) 心花放 (?)
33) 胭脂水粉 (?)
34) 天涯俠醫 (*****)
35) 御用闲人 (?)
36) 施公奇案 (?)
37) 秀才遇着兵 (?)
38) 金枝慾孽 (?)
39) 皆大歡喜(2) (**)
40) 舞動全城 (?)
41) 帝女花 (*****)
42) 我師傅係黃飛鴻 (****)
Slimz Family
Previous Posts
Lazy mummy....MIA for 2011 =P (part1) Xmas 2010 Its Xmas ^^ Happy 3rd Birthday Darling ^^ Darling's performance on 4 Dec - posted on our FB 4 Dec 2010 - Schoolhouse by The Garden - Graduatio... Sentosa 17 Oct (2) Sentosa 17 Oct (part 1) Shopping for flower girl dress... Its been a long time since we visited here =D
Other babies blogs
My favourite links
Taiwanese Idol shows watched rated from * - *****
16) 命中注定我爱你 (*****)
16) 败犬女王 (*****)
16) 无敌珊宝妹 (*****)
16) 爱就宅一起 (*****)
16) 王子遇见二公主 (*****)
16) 不良笑花 (*****)
Korean shows watched rated from * - *****
06) Smile Again (****)
07) Hello Miss (****)
08) Lovers (****)
09) Spring Waltz (Wonderful!)
TVB shows watched rated from * - *****
42) 珠光宝气 (****)
42) 岁月风云 (****)