
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Art n craft
We r visiting aunty vim who just gave birth to a baby boy tis sat. We went shopping for baby gifts and darling said she wanna make a BD cake for didi's BD.. and so.. here we are:
An apple/strawberry cake with 2 candles.. haa.. when he is only a few days old =P hee.. coz darling wanted blue and orange candles =D
Monday, April 19, 2010
Darling's first time helping with mummy
Mummy decided to let darling join mummy in the kitchen today. Mummy is not a great cook (haa) but a simple fried rice + soup is ok ..
Today's menu:
Fried Rice with hotdogs/fish cake/long beans/egg
Fish Soup with veg
Darling helped with the cutting of the hotdogs =D see darling in action!
Hot n Sweaty in the kitchen?!
Veri concentrated chef:
Showing off the end product:
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tis is for u .. biao jie
Its in the genes ^v^
Circle Line - trial ride
We went for GUG class as usual and on our way back... its the circle line! its opened for a day's trial run.. haa.. and so we hopped on the train @ Esplande, got off @ Dhoby Ghaut and changed to the NS line for AMK .. saving on the walk from Suntec to City Hall .. hee.. lazybones!
Darling's art work
A piece of drawing darling did on one nice weekday evening. When mummy asked what's that .. reply was "its a xxxx" .. make a guess bah everyone =D
Monday, April 12, 2010
Humpty Dumpty
hmmm... din take any fotos of our final product.. haa.. but we did a little skit..
Characters in the skit: 2 king's horses and 2 king's men + 1 Humpty Dumpty (left over eggshells from Easter party)
1st attempt at the skit (alot of NGs inbetween!):
Here's our 2nd attempt at the skit:
HAA.. darling, fun? hiakkkk