
Friday, December 18, 2009
My big TWO - part 2
Let's take alook at gu gu's videographing skills:
Darling taking a break from being the host =P
Playing with jie jie (uncle kwang wei's daughter)
Aunty Wan giving darling a big big hug
Jing en doing a lady's bow???so sweet =D
VROOOMM! here comes darling in her Pinky Xiao Mian Yang
Eh..de de and zhiqin taken aback by our BD girl's hugging
Bye uncle yuan yuan (left before eating our cake), waiting for your invite to your hse =P
Darling's 2-tier Winnie & Frens cake from PG. Choc on top and Lychee martini below.. yummmmy and looks KAWAIIIII
Big 2 candle.. which darling blew out in 1 shot
Family foto + Ah ma at the back (hee)
Cake foto taking (Tai ma..)
Ah Gong + Ah Ma
Gong Gong + Po Po
Xiao yi
Ah Yi
Relatives (mummy's/daddy's)
Aunty Marg & Nat.. btw, darling loves those Sandra books =D
Aunty Wan's family
Our neighbor..
Darling with Ah Pek and Ah Hmmmm
Xi (Happy)
Nu (Angry)
Ai (Cry)
Le (Laugh)
and lastly ... Enjoying the choc cake .. yummy .. is that ladybug?!
THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO CAME..there were too many guests, hope you guys enjoyed & 죄송합니다/sorry for being bad hosts in anyway!

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