
Monday, August 31, 2009
30 Aug (Sunday) @ Marina Square playground
Took some pictures of dsrling playing with the other kor kor jie jies at the indoor playgrd:
Mummy, may I ve some? No OF COURSE:
daddy, u ar too heavy!
DOWN we come!
In and Out:
Up the bus:
big big HUG:
thumbs up for a ride with Barney:
14 Aug Dinner
Jingen spilled some soup over and wet her jeans. So off we go, shopping for new, clean clothes for jingen to change into. And thanks to aunty marg, both darling & jingen got each a new dress, same pattern diff colors:
shou qian shou =D

Here's a foto of mummy, aunty marg and darling:

And a foro of all of us:
Happy Teachers' Day
Mummy got 4 wooden bears (2-D) and wooden alphabets during the week for darling to DIY for her teachers. The 4 bears were painted by Darling in red, blue, green and yellow over 2 weekday nites and golden glitter was sprinkled over them. Alphabets W (teacher wei), A (ash), R (Russell) and L (Li Lao Shi) were then glued on the bears. Think darling had much fun squeezing the glue frm the tube .. Hee.. Coz she went "squeezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" as she squeezes the tube .. So funny.
Lastly darling picked her own name stickers n pasted dem behind the bears as her 'sign-off'.
See our little artist, with paint on her little hands, fingers:
and paint on forehead!
Final product..
Mummy oso got 4 pens (with glittering, matching color stars on them) and attached them to the bears to be given to the teachers too..
Mummy handed the gifts to darling at the end of the class and darling gave them to her teachers, giving them hugs n kisses before leaving class. And teacher Wei asked darling "shirui, is it teacher wei's BD? Hmm.. No its Teachers Day.." and went on to teach darling to say "Happy Teachers' Day" and darling managed it =D
PoPo's BD celebration at .. KTV
Took quite a few fotos with gong gong, xiao yi, ah yi, po po, daddy, mummy . .. And our family foto =D
Mummy & Darling:
Dancing Queen:
Daddy's singing.. not too bad:
Can someone save me from the fat ah yi?
Hippy Hooray!
Xiao yi squeezing darling's chubby face:
Ah Yi + Shirui:
Gong Gong n Sr singing:
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
8th yr Pak Tor anniversary
Daddy n mummy went out the nite b4 (po po had to work OT to look aft shirui darling =P), had ice cream, window shopped and dinner at vivocity. Its pretty rare that we get er ren shi jie nowadays. Daddy ordered 8 roses and was sent to mummy's office. It's in a glass vase, veri heavy!

Mummy treated daddy to ice cream and wanted to get daddy a pair of crocs sandals but daddy din spot anything he likes (hee.. so its no pressie for daddy other than the ice cream).
The next day (saturday) we went for an event called "Pak Tor with U @ the movies". Pak tor with daddy and shirui =D Tickets only costs $2 per pax. The event was to start at 5pm end at 930pm at Esplanad park.
Daddy cooked pasta for us in the afternoon for a filling lunch. B'coz we had a late n filling lunch, we totally forgot abt packing food for ourselves to the pinic! But darling still got her dinner coz mummy steamed rice, brocoli and soup, packed them to the park for darling's dinner.
When we got there, we joined the Q for the goodies bag and entered the area cordoned off for the event. The was a MC on the stage, providing some entertainment like games, songs, etc.
Ehh.. other than forgetting abt our dinner, we din bring our pinic mat! So daddy went to gather cupboard boxes from the event organisers as out mats. After we have settled down, daddy went back to city hall area to get us dinner while mummy fed darling her dinner. Yum yum nice nice was darling's comments on dinner =D and finished most of it. When mummy told po po abt it the next day, po po tinks its coz darling is hungry le, would finish anything up!!
Darling was kept busy with the music, the many balloons everywhere, balloons floating into the sky and eating of mummy's dinner - sandwiches, muffins, tibits. When the NDP preview started around 6plus, we had the chance to see the apache flying over our heads with the big Singapore Flag.
GUG - 2nd term
BOO.. Darling down with fever and LS, din attend class =(
2nd class - Z
YEAH YEAH! Aft a week's break darling is back to her class.. bOOO.. But teacher wei is no longer in the class, she is taking the tots class instead. So darling still would c teacher wei ard =D
Teachers for this term are Russel and Ash (on leave, relief by Nora). Probably due to the week's break, darling was reluctant to go into her class! As usual we brought darling to wash her hands and mummy asked darling to walk into class on her own, darling din wan and hugged mummy's legs ultra tightly. So mummy had to carry darling into class and while teacher nora checks darling hands and feet, mummy tried to 'break the ice' for darling by asking where's teacher russell (with head buried in some files). Teacher russel played along and did peekaboo with darling .. Hee.. And the ice is broken =P
Darling was her normal self thereafter, singing, dancing, doing all the actions thru the singalong session. There's no artncraft today. Instead a session on eye-hand coordination was conducted - pushing little toy vehicles aong zig zag lines on the floor (drawn using masking tapes).
3rd Class - A
No art n craft for today. The children did some Fishing of anchorvives instead =D and well.. The whole classroom and the children were wet after the session .. Heee .. Teacher Russell drew apples on everyone's hands and darling gets to 'eat' the apples on her hands the whole day. Today's reading is the book "The hungry caterpillar" which darling has 'read' before =P mummy ever loan that book from the library, not once but twice coz mummy noes darling quite like the book. There was also an Animal parade today whereby each child was given an animal toy which they place inside empty tissue boxes and pulled the boxes ard the room. Well darling got herself 2 animals instead of just 1 .. Hee .. So KS!
4th Class - B
Daddy is not around and Gong Gong came with us. We took an hour's bus ride to Suntec and darling was very well behaved on the bus, no screaming nor fidgetting to get off gong gong's lap =D We were very early when we got there. Teacher Ash was still preparing the classroom and hence we loitered around and mummy asked darling to go and wash her hands. Hee.. Darling headed for the washroom, stepped on the little stool and was all ready to wash her hands (alone, coz mummy was still outside getting our things ready) and teacher wei came over "shirui, what are you doing? Playing with water?" hee… and darling was 'caught in the act' and she simply stood there and looked back at teacher wei with "innocent look" in her eyes =P
Today's animal is Bubba Bear (mummy tinks its not a veri cute bear.. haaa) and words learnt are Bubbles and Butterfly. The kids had rice crackers with Bananas today, learning to scoop food using their spoons from the bowls. The children were introduced to little floating Boats. Each child was given a little Boat to 'float' on tubs of water the teachers prepared. Mummy realised Darling wasn't very interested in them.. And finale as usual is darling's fav.. LIVE band music sing-along =D
5th Class - C
Teacher russell had recommended darling to b promo to tots class =D but there are not space in the current term for darling in the same slot, hence we gotta wait till the term's over. Come the following term and Darling is "TOTS" .. Heee .. YEAH.. Haaa..
Geral was suppose to join us for class as trial today .. But something crop up .. And well she din get to join us afterall. Today something's not too ok for darling .. She refused daddy's company at half time, so mummy took the whole session. No art and craft today, instead its water play! Hee.. Teachers prepared bowls, cups with holes, bottles with holes, strainer etc to let the kids experiment that containers with holes cant hold water at all =D Darling had a great time with the water but was shivering a little after the water play.
6th Class - D
De de deer was introduced today and all the kids in the class mistaken him for DOG! Haa… he sure looks more like a dog.. Today is art n craft .. Yeah! Sponge art on paper .. And each student was given an ice cream stick and a fork to create lines on the painted paper, learning "long" and "short" lines. Darling also rejected daddy at half time so mummy took all except for "Live" music class. After the class we rushed back to po po's hse .. Hee.. Mummy had to leave darling with po po coz mummy gg for LIVERPOOL vs Singapore match with ah yi =D
7th Class - E
Ellie Elephant is the animal for today and the other E words are Eight and Elbow. The "point to your elbow" game was played and darling walked around her class, pointing at everyone's elbow =D There is a new rhyme today and it is really a long tongue twister! For once mummy cant rem all of the lyrics and darling wasn't able to follow it through:
Its something like this "5 firefighters standing very still, 1 …. 2 … 3 … 4…. 5… " HAAA .. Perhaps by the end of the August mummy would have mastered it all! Today's art n craft work, the teachers gave the kids black n white paint and a piece of paper, cut into the shape of an elephant. The colors were mixed using a toothbrush and 'brushed' onto the elephant. Darling only did 50% of the brushing and the rest was completed by mummy .. Haaa .. And one of the students had paint on his face and lips, everywhere! Hee.. Sure looks fun to mummy ;) heee, lucky darling did not create such a big mess. During the class, there were times when darling wasn't quite a good girl and when mummy 'scold' darling in a stern voice, darling would pout her lips and guai guai come back to sit down with mummy .. Looks like our little darling is growing up, having a mind of her own and is learning to listen to instructions and assess the situation from mummy's tone? And which means mummy's "honeymoon" period whereby darling is very much a cute, little obedient girl, is ending soon .. And the little devil is in the making! Hmm… mummy and daddy mux act fast and stern from now on so that our darling would be a lesser devil =P
8th Class - F / Public holiday .. No class and no make up too … bo hua =( and mummy juz realised there's also a public holiday in the upcoming term.. Booo. .. Lugi big time =O