
Sunday, March 1, 2009
2nd time to SK pool.. fun fun fun!
Sharing some pict of darling doing serious swimming =P
No joking, darling is trainig to be in the SG team!
Darling made a new fren, a jie jie, at the pool.. see the jie jie playing with darling in the pool:
Here's darling and daddy posing for a romantic "waterfall" pict together:
After our swim we took the LRT to SK and from SK, took MRT back home... There was a kor kor playing peekaboo with darling at the LRT station..
After our 'hectic' swim in the morning, we went out with dabo and wife who came to pick us up and oso to ve lunch tgr.
Here's dabo-mu holding darling's hand.. hee.. that pinky hat is a gift frm daddy to mummy a few years back. Daddy went Aussie for work and came back with this. Ehh.. but the hat had been too small for mummy's big big head and well, its now a "hand me down" to darling =D
Heee.. darling learnt something new recently.. its "Act cute" .. haa.. here's darling's "act cute" pose:
Ok, one more time....

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