
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Recuitment magazine for mummy's company
If it rings a bell, mummy's company gave a free family foto shooting sometime back in May08. It was for the firm's mass recruitment magazine. Mummy finally found the link @
flip to page 24 of the magazine .. hee.. and see my ultra bak bak darling =D
Saturday, December 27, 2008
JWT trial class @ UE square
here's our little tour guide bringing us around the activity area =D
Shirui dancing as usual to the fast music and her climb up the slide.. not from the stairs.. =P
My little dancing queen who still wanna dance when she's on the stairs up the slide!
Tunneling.. darling was so fast that mummy could not take the video duing the first tunnel!
Ring a ring of roses:
Darling's very active, cant sit down and let the instructor finish his words:
Playing with bubbles:
Playing with more bubbles:
darling looking @ the instructor blowing bubbles:
Darling playing with the toys during the 'parent separation time':
After the class we went over to auntie natalie's house which underwent major renovations to partition a room out for jingen.
Here's darling playing with jingen jie jie:
The only foto which captured both their faces.. haa.. coz they were bz playing and din wanna pose of the fotos:
Xmas celebration!
And this year, during darling's 2nd xmas, darling is already eating lotsa solids, has 2 bottom teeth, is crawling, walking and 'talking' .. heeee .. baby language to Winnie the Pooh and Piglet!
Last year mummy was going through the most undesirable, dirty and smelly time .. CONFINEMENT =( its one smelly xmas .. tis yr we all .. including darling .. YEAH !! celebrated in nice clothes and smelling great.. heee...
Xmas eve we went over to lala's hse @ pasir ris .. hmmm.. somehow mummy bz feeding shirui, keeping darling away from the "out of bounds" zone, feeding mummy's tummy, talking .. DIN take any fotos!!! urgh! .. now we ve to wait for lala to post hers =(
On Xmas day itself, we went chinatown with a plan to buy shirui traditional CNY dress.. and we bought 2 sets, 1 is a pants set used as pyjamas the other comes with a pom pom dress =D
here's a foto.. not veri nicely taken coz darling was running ard..

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
RSPID gathering.. its been so long
Our group photo.. hmm michelle was late so she's not in the pict..its a punishment for coming late ..keke

hmm.. wonder wat's sr doing here..
here's angeline carrying sr..hee.. not a veri fun playmate huh =P
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Shirui @ the Winnie and friends show @ Taka.. see shirui's smiling so happily to c Winne and Frens! dancing to the music too!
Winnie pooh bear from mummy to shirui =D
Some photos taken using mummy's camera:
Flying piglet from mummy..helium gas pumped at centerpoint party shop =D
Happy darling with Mummy
Shirui with Ah gong
Shirui with xiao piao jie - huixin
Shirui with da piao jie - Huiting
Birthday gifts:
(Clockwise from the right) Winnie the pooh from mummy, Birthday card from xiaoyi (present from xiaoyi not in pict), Oranje Army jersey with shorts & socks from daddy, 4 angpows from Da po, Ah Gong, Er Gu and Popo/GongGong, present (in danald duck wrapper) from Po po, Oranje - Snedejr jersey from daddy, Piglet from aunty margaret and lastly... hee... the bill from Changi Village Hotel and Merchant Court Hotel =D
Shirui can walk le!
hmmm.. which means mummy and daddy got another new form of exercise .. chasing our little darling =D