
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Mummy attended it with darling during the first trial class and arranged for daddy to attend this 2nd class with Shirui so that we can evaluate and discuss if we should sign darling up for the full class..
Here's a short video of darling and daddy in class:
we decided we are not signing baby for it .. coz she doesn't seems to enjoy much .. but mummy thinks its coz the teacher for 2nd class wasn't as good.. she enjoyed her first class very much ..
Daddy's Back!
Mummy checked on the teletext and confirmed Daddy's flight suppose to land around 1940hrs. But there was slight delay.. see EK432 in the picture? it landed 2009hrs ={
We went there via bus # 27 without Shirui's stroller coz mummy thought the taxi boot wont be able to fit darling's stroller and daddy's baggage when we come home. But who noes, daddy's baggage was lost in transit (in Dubai) so he only came back with his hand luaggage..
Mummy used the Thermal Food Jar (wonder jar!) to pack Shirui's dinner. When we got to the airport, we went to BK where Shirui had her porridge and mummy had some fries.
Shirui @ the fountain:
Shirui smiling with a stranger:
Shirui got a bit bored waiting for daddy:
and soon after.. she fell asleep .. zzzzzzz.. "daddy, cya at zzz land.."
Daddy came back from his overseas job assignment on Sunday nite and we brought darling to the shelter pavilion at our block on Monday morning for a ride in her sports car:

See Shirui waving to mummy =D pardon the poor quality of the shoot.. coz its taken using mummy's mobile..
Playing with bubbles! yucky
blowing bubbles? !!!??
Daddy says darling learnt it from mummy ..
Helping in the Kitchen chores =P
My Elmo toy from mummy
Recently, the new OKTO channel is showing Seasame Street on Mondays to Thursdays ..
Here's shirui with elmo watching "La La La La La La La .. Elmo's World"
See darling (1) hugging = tapping, (2) kissing & (3) bitting poor elmo's eyes (due to teething)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Shirui is talking .. and is a future Dancing Queen
hee.. and her dancing skills oso getting better by the day =D
ever seen dancing in a kneelling position? hee here u are:
Monday, October 20, 2008
Shirui loves her car =D
See darling attempting to climb out!
Darling loves it .. and is thrilled with the ride =D
When daddy comes bk frm his overseas assignment mummy daddy n shirui shall play with the car at the void deck.. its more spacious =D
Saturday, October 18, 2008
BIG big bao
Mummy've alwys hated those swing doors coz they are TOTALLY baby stroller unfriendly..
Not sure anyone ve similar tinking.. the height of the swing doors are almost same as stroller and for someone pushing a stroller, it is pretty hard to push open the doors..
Mummy was exiting from the entrance coz the Q @ the exits were ultra long and packed.. a lady in front swing the door and din hold it for us.. Mummy tot she knew we were behind.. coz a china man held the other door for us as he was oso exiting..
Poor darling end up kenna a big big bao on her head..coz the door wich the lady din hold, swing back n hit darling ={
SOOOOO depressed! darling's bao came out immediately ..2 aunties standing outside saw wat happened n commented on her big bao .. URGH!
Mummy immed wrote a suggestion feedback form ... wonder if there will b any response .. if not tmr mummy will bring darling down with her bao to tok to the branch manager .. hmph!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Happie BD JingEn =D
it was oso a mini BD celeb for Jingen who is turing 1 on 14oct..
Took some pictures
here's shirui with aunty xuiling:

shirui with aunty marg:

shirui + aunty adeline:

here's the birthday agar agar:
Jingen, her daddy CK and mummy Nat:

here's shirui, jingen and the daddies:

shirui, jingen, the daddies and the mummies

hee... shirui and jingen =D
shirui enjoyed herself coz of jingen's company .. its really great to c the both of them play tgr.. shirui is the more 'agressive' one, pulling pple's clothes etc .. HAAAA
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Shirui's favourite .. ... PIG
so mummy's researching for a PIGLET cake for darling's #1 birthday ..