
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Munch Munch Munch
Darling has been behaving weird these days. In the past, wen she grabs for toys or anything which was within her reach, she will put them straight into her mouth ..
these days .. is the same.. into her mouth but she's been "biting" hard, real hard on the items nowadays..
Sometimes when mummy carrys darling, darling will also bite mummy's shoulders (shirt)..
And last nite .. heeee... mummy experienced the first "milk spurting out" haaa...
Mummy for some reason had an engorged breast last nite.. and so mummy put darling to "work" ... the WORLD'S BEST BREAST PUMP .. haaa ..
But darling probably due to teething, couldn't concentrate on nursing well and ended up pulling at mummy's teats ={ pain!!!!
And mummy noe darling's not feeling well due to first teeth coming out.. so mummy let darling had her way .. sobzz.. more pain pain..
Guess wat.. darling unblocked the ducts and milk came SPURTING out!
Anyway, darling's first tooth (bottom row..) shld be out within the next 1-2 weeks per po po =D
Stay tuned to c darling's tooth =D

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