
Monday, May 26, 2008
starting on solids
popo & gonggong went overseas .. and ah ma is not free to take care of shirui tmr ..
so its gg b jux mummy n shirui tmr =D
mummy gg try feed darling a spoonful of cereal + BM .. .. hopes she loves it .. =D
tune in for updates on shirui's first solids
Sunday, May 25, 2008
wow..its been awhile (2)
anyway.. there's a free fotoshoot at a studio .. for all of us ...
but we forgot to take pict.. oni took aft that ..@ majestic hotel wich is near to the studio ..
here's shirui on her stroller.. on the NEL back to popo/gonggong hse ..
hee... we went back to The Wedding Present to claim back mummy's evening dress & daddy's mansuit ... told patrick mummy misplace the dryclean receipt .. that's y din come back .. patrick was so nice.. he rem us .. aft 2years .. and said wil help us locate =P
wow .. its been awhile ... (1)
Bedroom #2 aka Shirui's room:
Bedroom #3 aka Study room:
Master Bedroom aka Daddy/Mummy's room:
that's the air-con ledge window .. and the "sunken area" is for built in wardrobe here's another side of the MBR. THe window view .. heee.. is a new primary sch .. wich means nxt time mummy can SPY shirui @ school .. heeeee =P we gg make tis a R&R corner for the 3 of us =D
here's the doorway of MBR
this is MBR toilet.. there's gg ba a bath tub wor =D its shirui's swimming pool!!
here's the common toilet:
Living room .. see our bathtub =D got full height windows .. machaim condo =P
Service yard for hanging wet clothes =D
Kitchen - mummy dun like the color of the wall tiles that HDB gave us .. but well .. wat to do ={