
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
sad sad
tis morning sr made mummy so bz.. as usual woke up @ 6..bathe le den BF sr , pump and eat breakfast all done tgr.. and sr was poo-ing all this while.. mummy had to change her nappies 2x ..coz she poo-ed in 2 installments ={ xiaoyi was zzz-ing veri deeply .. din managed to get her help too ..
tink one realy ve to b a mummy .. before she learns to appreciate all tings mummy had done .. mummies are really born multitasking champions!!
and despite all mummy done .. shirui dun seems to like mummy.. other dan her daily morning smiles to mummy .. wen mummy comes back from work she no reaction de.. and wen mummy talks to her .. oso no replies .. she oni look or stare back at mummy ={
sobzzzz sobzzz sobzz sobz sob.. .. and she smiles sweetly @ everyone else.. is sr angry dat mummy is not wif her during the day le ??
po po seems tired these days wen mummy goes home.. sr is tiring to take care? sr mux guai guai wor.. ..
the oni better news recently is ah ma strike lottery .. again .. tis time is sr's BC#.. her first 4 digits.. so lucky .. and well she'll ve more spending power wen she goes for her hokaiddo trip nxt week .. so gd .. go overseas..
haizz.. popo n gonggong oni been to m'sia b4.. wonder if dayi ve enuf reserves.. den mummy n dayi can try sponsor popo gonggong go overseas.. mabbe hk or china tis yr.. haizzz..
daddy..if u r reading.. tink we make our hse reno simple simple bah .. dun wan the kitchen door? since mummy not heavy user .. can buy those 'curtain'-like door and separate kitchen frm dinning area? one feature wall for living room bah.. bedroom no wan put tv bah .. since ur PC can view tv too .. how how how daddy? haizz... haiz..

LS, must jia you.
BB is hyper sensitive to mommy's emotional swing so is probably SR trying to share your tense [after rushing for the whole day from work] instead of no liking u. just relax :0
to all mommies, we are, indeed, superwomen & wonderwomen, yeah!
lisa..tanks for encouragement!!! gambatte!! !!
btw, u all wanna visit vincent/lydia n their bb? i've been wanting to go visit .. heheheee.. but nvr got down to doing it leh ..
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