
Friday, March 7, 2008
back to work soon -- sianz!!!!
poly clinic charges 5-in-1 package $326.10 wich is a total of 4jabs .. (i tink) SBCC is $120 + consultation $45 + GST 7% for 1 jab .. ex ex leh .. .. tink no nid to pay so much to c shirui pain pain ...
anyway, shirui is now 6.1kg (heavier dan a pack of rice!), 60cm long and head is 39cm big .. she is not OVERWT.. hehe.. she's average.. @ the 50percentile of bb her age
haizzz.. mummy is gg back to work on tuesday 11march le .. haizz haizz haizz...
wen mummy start work: dady n mumy gg 2 transport SR to popo hse every morning .. aft wk pick her up back to AMK ah ma hse.. on wkends SR will sty @ AMK.. coz we ve no car.. so will b taking cab.. and to avoid the ridiculous peak hr charges.. every mornign b4 7am will ve to reach popo hse.. tink mummy ve to wake up @ 5am every morning le.. coz nid to pump BM, feed SR, bathe & change mummy ..
wonder can tahan anot.. ..
mummy haven go taka baby fair leh .. dun tink ve time for it le.. gg start wk soon..
every day aft wk ve to rush bk to popo hse to feed SR or to pump BM .. hmmm .. left with wkends.. but wkends we nid to c to renovation work..
mumy ve a yoga wif SR package signed up with mummies on SMH forum.. its every sunday for 8 weeks.. @ 11am .. but mummy trying to 'sell' it off .. any takers? contact mummy wor.. coz our wkends r the oni times we ve to c to reno le .. no time no time .. ..

sell on ebay
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