
Monday, December 31, 2007
hmmm..managed to latch shirui for a short while yday .. really short while .. wif the help of a nipple shield.. latched her aft her normal feed (purposely gave her lesser.. so dat she would still wanna suckle..) gambatte!!!
Lisa.. tanks for the link .. but the avent niplette.. tink its oni applicable for pre-preg..or during first 6mths of preg .. or the first few days aft birth.. before milk flow is established.. mabbe will get it if there's gg b a sibling for shirui in future ..
now tinking if shld get the medela pump (veri ex.. $800+++) .. in case the current avent manual pump mite hinder milk qty..
Saturday, December 29, 2007
been MIA a few daes le ..
mummy's been bz bz .. been working hard, pumping milk on a disciplined 3-4hr interval .. hoping to increase BM production..
but shirui no latch on .. its harder 2 up production.. sobzzz..
mummy tried latching ger ger a few times today .. but .. sobzzz.. she cant suckle coz nipple toooooooo short..
ah ma says its better 2 latch her on.. tis i oso noe.. but cant .. :(
so depressing .. .. if can i even wanna cut open mummy's breast retrieve milk for my shirui.. booooooooooooooooooooooooo
pretty worried dat wont ve enuf milk 2 last till the WHO recommended 6mths .. booohooo
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
wat cakes to order ... hmmm
or order does special ones from:
Sweetest Moments? www.sweetestmoments.com.sg
Melrose? www.melrose.com.sg
Ecreative? www.ecreative.com.sg
or Bengawan Solo.. or the one YiFei (hehe.. aunty shyhyen's daughter) had .. hmmm
headache (*_*)
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Daily fotos updates
Monday, December 24, 2007
xMas eVe le !!

its our first xmas tgr as a threesome .. ah ma says no outdoors for mummy.. so we've to spend in at home le wor ..
daddy bot a xmas logcake and a pair of ear-rings for mummy .. :D
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Down wif fever le
sobzzzz. . . will she forget me wen i carry her again wen i recover :(
my poor gal oso ve abit of blocked nose leh..last nite she cant feed & zzz well .. she has to take breaks inbetween her feeds coz she cant breathe..
but tis morning she better le .. aft she blew out a piece of 'pi sai'
tink ve to keep her tightly wrapped day n nite ... ve to limit her time out of bedroom..bedroom less windy ..
Saturday, December 15, 2007
visitors today
wai gong wai po da yi xiao yi came ..
da po and da po mu oso came .. ..
as a result .. ger ger oni zzz an hr in the aftnoon! hahaa.. thereafter she zzz straight from 6plus till 11 ...
wonder will she b able to zzz aft this round of milk ...
I am allergic to alcohol =/
I turned red in the face, legs, hands immediately !!!
and guess wat.. till now i still having rashes all over my hands, neck and feet..
boohooo :(
i hope tis means i dun ve to consume anymore alcholic food anymore le. . .
Thursday, December 13, 2007
12 Dec
Mummy still recovering from the delivery.. hmmm.. still got abit of pain ..
The malaylady came for the massage and wrap .. shiok .. the massage.. but the wrap .. kind of "hot" coz of the medicine..
Massage lady is 60 yrs old.. but dun look like 60 lor .. and still ve strength in her massage !!
13 Dec
Embi cord drop off today leh..per Ah ma.. mux keep this so that will "keep the wealth(cai2)" .. mummy had it all wrapped up in red ribbon and placed into a nice pouch le
Ger ger went c Dr Ho today..he says her jaundice gg down le .. i.e. recovering :D
and she had her Hep B jab 1 @ his clinic.. daddy (who brot her there) says her screams were LOUD..poor ting
tonite ger ger latch on for breast milk :D .. she was hungry.. and daddy was so slow in heating up pre-pumped milk.. so i tried latching her.. and being veri hungry.. she latched =D
thou it was oni a while .. but YEAH ..
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
More Fotos
girl girl dun zzz @ nite :(
day time she is so kuai .. hahaha
the past 3 nites were nitemare for mummy n daddy .. hahaa.. hopefully she gets easier along the way ..
10 Dec - Feeding Time again
11 Dec
Sunday, December 9, 2007
4 days old le
c her bathing video.. ah ma bathing her :D
Bathing 1 -
Bathing 2 -
Bathing 3 -
Bathing 4 -
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Announcing SHIRUI's arrival :D
6 Dec 2007, Thursday at 0648hrs weighing 3045g and measuring 48cm ..
see more of her here ..
Video -
1) 6 Dec
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Shirui - 6Dec |
2) 7 Dec
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Shirui - 7 Dec |
3) 8 Dec
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Shirui - 8 Dec |
Sequence of events:
1300 - aft visiting dr Koh, pains at 40mins interval frm
1630 - daddy had 2 go SCDF b KPO (sobz)
2150 - daddy is finally home le .. and pains r @ <30mins interval liao .. went to take last bath (b4 1mth confinement)
2215 - tried to zzz but had woken up @ a few mins interval coz of pains
0100 - pains @ 8-10mins interval and its decided we shall go hospital
0145 - reach hospital
0150 - sent into Delivery Suite 10
0200 - midwife/nurse did VE and its 4cm diliation le
0204 - nurse 'pomp' medicine to help mummy clear bowels ..
0230 - went clear bowels in case shirui gets born wif mummy's waste!
0300 - Start of intense frequent pain .. laufing GAS is used
0400 - 8cm diliation
0500 - 9cm diliation
0600 - 9.5cm diliation
0610 - called for Dr Koh
0620 - dr Koh is here .. finally
0630 - extremely painful le :( dr Koh burst water bag ..
0635 - daddy can c shirui's skull le!!!
0640 - mummy push .. and shirui's head is out!
0648 - final push and SHIRUI is OUT!!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Mumy lost the BET!
Jux came back from Dr Koh..he did an examination and say cervix open le wor..
and say we shld get ready to go hospital by tmr 8AM..
but there's a prob dat u may wan 2 c us b4 dat.. :D
Monday, December 3, 2007
Our FAMILY foto!
mummi came up with the idea .. and made dadi edit the foto ..
but ur dadi veri bad .. u c he made himself so much taller .. wen in actual fact.. he is not any taller dan mummi lor =P