
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Dadddy is out of town again...
Daddy set off for T&T last nite.. Darling n mummy went to send daddy off at T3.
Here's our little photographer, asking for the cam,
and following are fotos dat darling took on her own using the cam
What happen:
On our way there, mummy kept preparing darling for daddy's departure .. telling her "sr, daddy is going to sit on the aeroplane, fly fly fly away to a far off place/t&t to work.. Will be back in 2 weeks time. Tonite mummy n sr go home on our own, no daddy.. … daddy will call sr on the telephone to talk to sr .. Ok?"
We could see darling's facial expression changing everytime we brought this up .. And when its really time for daddy to board, (he was carrying her) .. darling held on to daddy .. Saying "daddy dun wan sit aeroplane ok? Daddy go home together with sr and mummy.." and for the first time in darling's life (haa..coz darling has alwys been more glued to mummy..) She says she dun wan mummy .. Haaa…. So we suggested, how abt mummy go home, sr n daddy sit aeroplane .. "ok" was the reply! .. Haaa .. Aft 10mins think darling registered the fact and said "we dun wan daddy, daddy so notti ok? daddy sit aeroplane go work .. " and wanted me to carry .. Haaaa
And when daddy went in, darling said to mummy "daddy "ring ring" talk to sr on the telephone ok?" .. Haa.. She rems this part abt him calling home …
(daddy pls rem to call home ok.. if u'r reading this..)
Next morning darling woke up .. First ting she said/ask was "mummy, where is daddy?" .. The last time daddy went overseas darling was totally immuned to his absence .. But this time darling has matured! Understanding the concept of working overseas more ..
When mummy left her at popo's house, poor darling cried badly .. Mite b tinking mummy wont b coming back for her too ... just like daddy!

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