
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Haven been updating....
YEAH! tonite ... evening daddy will be back home =D
BUt mummy haven decided if we r gg airport to pick daddy up.. coz mummy got plenty of tings to do... urgh!! bones breaking le
Yesterday mummy finally found a white dress for Xuiling's wedding on coming sunday as her jiemei.. hmmm .. wonder issit norm.. hee.. married woman still can be jiemei huh? anyway .. been serching high n low for one
went robinsons, isetan, mango, blum, sense, series .. ended up getting from IORA.. someting wich mummy seen a few times in the shop but din try them on till yesterday..
xmas tree @ swissotel raffles (dunno issit still tis name)
foto taken @ sushi tei.. dayi's treat =D
Some updates abt wat happened on darling's chinese BD ..
she was given oily drumsticks to lick on .. ={ hope darling din put on too much wt from tat ... :x
the sequence of items she picked:
1) ruler - da yi says tis means darling wanna b a teacher who goes ard hitting students with the ruler!
popo says be seamstress (sounds so old fashion..) hee.. to mummy its means architect.. haa or mabbe a designer (mux be famous hor darling!)
2) pen - journalist who writes n writes n writes?
3) calculator - mummy's line .. lucky not the first item.. else b like mummy.. auditor.. urgh!
4) book - does tis means ... darling doesn't like to read.. study?
Anyone wanna help mummy interprete?

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