
Monday, January 14, 2008
@ wai gong wai po house.. Day 5
ve proven that milk production really will go up wif increased pumping sessions..
i've been diligently pumping every 3hr & leaving shirui to wai po/wai gong n sometimes xiao yi n da yi while i pump .. and production increased le :D
bot milk supply supplement - frenugreek .. mabbe no nid to consume it .. ..
xiaoyi is now quite a pro in making FM for shirui too ;)
had made an arrangement to c a Lactation consultant @ MT A today..to try n learn how to latch shirui on again aft so many weeks .. but end up din go .. coz shirui haven take her 2nd HepB jab, not advisable to visit highly populated places ..
somehow she's more cranky today .. duno wat's wrong.. and haven been able to drink milk in a shot.. will doze off.. half-time break .. den continue again ..
any1 any idea how much she shld b drinking now @ her 5th week.. currently feeding her 120ml every 3hrs.. .. coz sometimes she seems to get hungry b4 3hrs.. and wai po says her thighs n calf .. meat too flabby, not 'hard & sturdy'

why did not u change her into a pair or nicer pants!!!!
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